Self-care express is a welcome haven of positivity and reminders. A place to inspire and display positivity without being a therapist.
This Instagram page is filled with great phrases and well-illustrated — simple statements. Small things we can do each day to support our mental health.
Reminders of self-worth and self-care activities. In a world full of challenges — the cost of living — strikes — confusion — negativity — mental health conditions — long term health conditions.
The combination can bring sadness — loneliness and hopelessness. To combat this, it’s OK looks at;
starting things again
saying no
taking rests when needed
knowing that it’s okay not to be okay
having bad days is to be expected and
being yourself is important
All key elements of self-care. Along with other examples such as forgiving yourself — checking in with yourself and tough pills to swallow, this page is a breath of fresh air and light.
Some great examples can be printed and used to create a vision board. Or a single reminder that resonates to go on the fridge as a daily hint to help you take a few seconds for yourself to evaluate what you can do to be kind to yourself —at that moment give yourself the time to breathe — think — discover something about yourself — then move forward and on with your day.