Today on Openbook we share a blog based on Longevity — a method inspired by American National Football League star Tom Brady and his approach to remaining healthy long past some of his younger rivals.
This 8-minute read highlights:
Mindset — Choosing our outlook on life each morning — a challenge crucial to this theory.
Hydration — essentially water — lots of water — in fact half your body weight in fluid ounces is recommended — with additional electrolytes to help absorption.
Pursuing anti-inflammatory nutrition — he reports that: ‘A recent study in Cell Metabolism showcased the devastating effects of a diet loaded with processed foods — in general, carbohydrates that come out of a box and have long shelf-lives which should be avoided.
Making pliability a mission — the goal being the restoration of long, elastic muscles — stretching and the release of tension. Avoiding any muscle imbalances that can result from injury.
Maintaining fast twitch muscle fibres using resistance bands — low-load functional movements that allow for a wide range of motion — safely performed at the speed of sporting activities — perhaps better known as HILT (High-Intensity Interval Training).
Sleep and mental rest — aiming for optimal cognitive health — physical recovery — hormonal regulation.
An all-around approach suitable for anyone — whatever your goals — maintenance of a healthy body and mind are the key goals. Simple tips — large potential gains — worth those 8 minutes.
Read the full blog here: https://tb12sports.com/blogs/tb12/how-tom-brady-stays-healthy/