Winter warming collection points have been set up across Tendring to provide vital support to residents. Christmas has come early for those in need. The distribution of warm packs that include blankets, hot water bottles, thermal vests and gloves.
Signposting to local community groups, warm hubs and free fire alarms. A hot cup of tea and a biscuit adds to the festive spirit and determination to support others.
The team of social prescribers and volunteers have come together in a drive to ensure those in need don’t go cold, lonely or hungry this Christmas.
Ten collection points throughout the area have been set up. Information on food banks, soup kitchens and support for those in fuel poverty. With signposting to other services and money saving tips. Even help to find winter warmth grants.
A handy thermometer to ensure you know when your house is at the right temperature is also included in the packs.
A crucial and friendly service. So much to offer. No judgement — just a willingness to support ad help others. Open to those with disabilities, people on benefits, carers and old age pensioners.
Social prescribers are also available along with link workers to support social inclusion for those with long-term health conditions. Activities such as art clubs, craft clubs and friendship groups are open and available. Friendship cafes for those suffering bereavement, those with dementia or just people in need of some company.
Anyone needing support can call the Tendring District Council Winter Emergency hotline on 01255 222022 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. People unable to attend events who have missed their local event should contact the CVST team to arrange delivery of a winter warming collection pack.
Learn more with the CVST Bringing Unity To Our Community Team here: https://www.cvstendring.org.uk