(Image from Active Essex)
In March, the Universities of Stirling, Edinburgh and Highlands & Islands reported that 15 minutes of self-paced exercise, such as The Daily Mile, is beneficial for pupils’ cognition and well-being.
Across ninety different countries, over seventeen thousand schools and nurseries take part in this daily challenge. The UK currently leads the way with 8021 schools. The initiative was started in Scotland in 2012, by Headteacher Elaine Wyllie.
It involves social physical activity, with children running, jogging or wheeling at their own pace – outside in the fresh air, supported by their friends. There is no competitive element — pure fun and enjoyment with inclusivity an important factor. The weather is not seen as a barrier but as an opportunity to embrace nature through the seasons. A learning opportunity supported by great resources.
Marathon runner Eliud Kipchoge and tennis player Andy Murray are just two of many ambassadors for the programme involved in getting children active, which is supported by INEOS.
56 schools completed The Children’s Active Lives Survey recently which showed that 85% of schools were satisfied with the Daily Mile Campaign and 75% found it engaging, actionable and interactive. Whilst the recommendation is to complete the challenge three times a week 50% of schools participate every day.
The Go Run For Fun programme is an extension of the daily mile and enables children to participate in events outside of their school grounds. Over 330,000 children have taken part since it began in 2013.
The Daily Mile Fit for Life programme is aimed at those aged eleven plus. It has the same values and goals at the heart of it. The aim is to incorporate 15 minutes of self-paced physical activity into your daily life in order to experience the benefits of regular exercise.
By keeping the aim to be outside and moving in whatever way possible for fifteen minutes it is promoted as something that anyone can access regardless of their personal circumstances, pace, age or ability. It’s about enjoying some time in the fresh air and feeling the effects of regular exercise. No special equipment, space or clothing is required.
Fit For Life Toolkits provide resources for:
Individuals and families
Groups and organisations
Employers and workplaces
The kits are very comprehensive and informative, providing details on getting started, breaking down barriers, helping to decide where and when to walk — run — push, ways to stay motivated and how to celebrate the progress you make. There are even downloadable tracker sheets, activity sheets and invitations to send to family and friends so you can get moving together.
Simply select the correct option and get moving!
The Daily Mile For Schools Resources: https://thedailymile.co.uk/resources/
The Daily Mile For Schools: Disability Inclusion: https://thedailymile.co.uk/disability-inclusion/
Download The Daily Mile Fit For Life Toolkit here: https://www.thedailymilefitforlife.com/the-toolkits/