Support — community work — education — understanding — fundraising. These are just a few of the pledges made by Dementia friends to aid family, friends or local people and organisations.
‘Dementia' describes a set of symptoms that include:
Memory loss
Difficulties with thinking,
Difficulties with problem-solving
Struggling to find the right language.
How do I become a Dementia Friend?
Watch a short video
Sign up through the Alzheimers Society
Make your pledge
Wear your badge with pride
Work on that pledge
What can I do to help those with Dementia?
Understand what it is like to have dementia
Support those in your family or community with a diagnosis
Raise funds to help those needing support
What about organisations?
The Alzheimers Society works with both VisitEngland and VisitScotland to help make tourist attractions dementia friendly. In this example, Beamish Museum shares how all staff complete a Dementia Friend Session run by a Dementia Champion — giving visitors a better experience.
Simple actions can make a huge difference. Patience, reassurance and assisting with simple things we often take for granted.
Waiting in a queue — making a cup of tea or even getting dressed. Things that can lead to agitation and frustration.
Dementia friend sessions both online and in person give Dementia friends the knowledge, compassion and confidence they need to support people through these basic tasks. A lifeline for many people.
Show your support by watching the short video and wearing the blue forget me not badge with pride.
Dementia Friends Information: https://www.dementiafriends.org.uk
Dementia Friends - beamish Museum: https://www.dementiafriends.org.uk/WEBNewsStory
Dementia Friendly tourist Guide: https://www.visitbritain.org/sites/default/files/vb-corporate/business-hub/resources/dementia_friendly_guide_for_tourism_businesses.pdf