Whilst inclusive activity is encouraged for those with any kind of disability, the Disability Gymnastics pathway within British Gymnastics caters for those with more specific and challenging support needs. It is 'pan-disability'; meaning that any disabled person can take part if they cannot access mainstream gymnastics.
This programme was launched in 1985 and provides: “Fundamental movement activity to elite gymnastics skills, disability gymnastics has something exciting, fun and engaging for all disabled people to enjoy; it is also widely recognised as providing many physical and social benefits for participants, such as developing increased coordination skills and building confidence’.
Disability Gymnastics - a sport for everyone: https://youtu.be/4OaJZNDM7ag?si=z-imi5oJ3VMfr4AD
All gymnastics disciplines can be adapted to include disabled people in the sport and competitive opportunities exist within men's artistic, women's artistic, rhythmic, trampoline, teamgym and acrobatic gymnastics. The disability gymnastics pathway provides training and competition opportunities therefore creating a level playing field for all to enjoy gymnastics and achieve.
Find a club near you: https://www.british-gymnastics.org/discover/disability-gymnastics
If you would like to see disability gymnastics in action, please the link below to visit the Find an Event page on the British Gymnastics website. This is a great way to see what is on offer and what you would like to participate in. It’s also a good opportunity for coaches to see what they can offer to gymnasts within their clubs. Find an event: https://www.british-gymnastics.org/find-an-event?year=&discipline=Disabilities&level=®ion=
Love to Move
There is also an option for older people called Love To Move which is specifically designed as a seated workout to get people moving and functioning better. It is proving to be particularly beneficial for those with Dementia.
Although aimed at older people it’s also a great first step to moving and becoming involved in exercise for people of any age.
Love To Move Homepage: https://britishgymnasticsfoundation.org/lovetomove/
Love To Move - Booklet: https://britishgymnasticsfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Love-to-Move-booklet.pdf
You can try the programme from the comfort of your own home by following one of the four online sessions posted during the pandemic. All you need to participate in the activities is a good chair making it accessible to all. For the most benefit aim to complete two sessions per week.
Love To Move - Online Session - Part One: https://britishgymnasticsfoundation.org/take-part-love-move-online/
Love To Move - Online Session - Part Two:https://youtu.be/hqNGCPV0_XA?si=MFC-znqBde-d4VrG
Love To Move - Online Session - Part Three: https://youtu.be/BM9u6j-a6rQ?si=ySpq8mY9oVtc9KPt
Love To Move - Online Session - Part Four:https://youtu.be/aET3x363DwQ?si=J8QQArLAktOzJOfk
The programme recently celebrated 10 years of delivery. The British Gymnastics Foundation used this as an opportunity to encourage care homes, community groups and individuals to complete and video a specific exercise from the programme and share on social media. The link to the video is below where ambassador and Olympic Gymnastics medalist Kristian Thomas demonstrates what to do. It’s harder than you might think!
Celebrating 10 years of the British Gymnastics Foundation - Love to Move with Kristian Thomas: https://youtu.be/WBqehLwofic?si=Ri0qQfnxIq1Ao_1s
If you would like to deliver the programme training dates can be found on the link below:
So whatever disability you have there’s something that everyone can enjoy within gymnastics. This can be as a participant, coach or spectator. Find what works for you and have fun!