Splitting menstrual cycles into four distinct phases enables users to learn when symptoms may occur — what hormones are doing at each stage — how the body reacts to exercise — what nutrition will be helpful — even recipes to try. Add the list of insights into topical issues and regular blogs and you have a comprehensive resource.
It works by tracking up to 20 different daily symptoms from irritability, stress levels and concentration levels to headaches, stomach cramps and nausea. There are even spaces to highlight the level of activity undertaken each day and to input notes.
Utilised by the successful Lionesses and Chelsea Football Club amongst others this app is growing in popularity. Athletes of all levels turning to this support to provide protection against injury — maximise performance levels — improve well-being and support pre-menstrual symptoms.
In August 2022 a survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation reported that nearly one-third of US women have used a period-tracking app. Pristnycare states that they remove some of the unpredictability of periods and aid control. Reporting additional benefits such as an improvement in overall health and well-being and knowledge of ovulation dates and cycle lengths.
For anyone with a long-term health condition, the FITR app is fantastic. The ability to report menstrual cycle-related symptoms alongside everyday feelings and symptoms in an easy-to-access and use phone app can be life-changing. It very quickly becomes a habit — 30 dates should do the trick.
For those performance-level athletes and participants, there is another level. The ability for coaches and exercise instructors to sign up — a premium membership required — but it then allows individuals to share their data which can be analysed and utilised when constructing exercise sessions, programmes and goals.
The choice is vast so choose something that works for you. Try them out and look out for ratings on the app store.

Pristnycare - Period Tracker App: https://www.pristyncare.com/blog/why-you-should-have-a-period-tracker-app-are-period-trackers-accurate/
Fitr Coach Programme: https://www.fitrcoach.com