Designed to take you out of your comfort zone, challenging you both mentally & physically, The Happy Hub in Basildon Essex is a one-stop wellness shop.
By designing and facilitating sustainable mental health and well-being solutions this programme looks to help people — connect — be active — keep learning — give to others and be mindful. Their work has been highly commended by Sport England, Basildon Council and many partners.
Offering support to individuals, providing volunteering opportunities, a shop, and running food banks are just a few of the options available to the local community. A safe space to go with a cafe and activities for all age groups is a positive environment in which to immerse yourself.
Can’t make it to Basildon or Romford (where another Happy Hub is based)? Then the online store has much to offer — go for a therapeutic happy box or be more specific and purchase therapeutic activities — books — and sensory products to match your mental health needs.
To aid activity there are personal challenges that change each month with participants able to opt into as many as they like through the active passport option. So whether you want to climb Snowdon, take part in a Santa run or get swimming there is a wide range of activity choices to suit all abilities and interests.
There is even a ‘Pay It Forward’ area where you can purchase something that will be gifted to someone in need within the local community. From counselling sessions to clothing and hot meals, there are items for different budgets.
With so much on offer, you’ll be sure to find something that works for you. Something that may be missing. Something you need to support a mental health condition. Check out the online Facebook group for some immediate support. Referrals can also be made and networking events take place on a regular basis.
Motivated Minds Happy Hub:
Sign-up for free & get your Active Passport here:
Motivated Minds Couch to 5 km walking plan:
