The things I want others to know
Yes, it’s subluxing and dislocations of joints
Yes, it’s painful
Yes, fatigue is present
Yes, I experience brain fog
But — what you might not expect…
It’s on the inside too — wherever there are muscles
Bladder and heart — a vascular syndrome
Autonomic dysfunction — regulation of temperature — bodily sensations
Add TMJ dysfunction (damaged jaw joints) and that’s the full package
No, it’s not in my head — I am not lazy
No, it’s not easy to manage — mental health is affected
No, I don’t know what each day holds for us
No, I don’t know if I’ll fall and injure myself
That’s the problem with an invisible illness
No one really knows what I manage
Many don’t care or try to comprehend
That’s what I want to change
To challenge people's views — to aid understanding
So - What do I really want from others?
Please think — invisible
Please think — variable
Please think — challenging
Please think — what can I do to make things easier?
I really hope that isn’t too much to ask of you …
For more information on Ehlers-Danlos visit: https://www.ehlers-danlos.org/