When you live with a Long term health condition or multiple conditions putting yourself first is a priority.
We are inherently built to believe that being selfish is not a good trait to have. However, in certain situations taking time for ourselves and saying NO to others can actually be viewed as a strength.
A failure to look after yourself will render you incapable of helping and supporting others.
Foundations Counselling, LLC promote five ways to stop feeling guilty and prioritise yourself. They are:
Learning the importance of self-care
Giving yourself permission to focus on yourself
Reminding yourself that the people you love and care about the most love you, too
Learn how to say “no” to demands on your time
Brainstorming quick ways to take care of yourself
Their website has some great blogs to get you started on the road to support your own needs first. They include:
Liz Bentley, a reporter for MSNBC concluded that author Brené Brown ‘…has discovered in her research on wholehearted living, taking care of yourself is the pathway to fulfilment and to high performance in work and in life. And, just as importantly, it’s a gift to others
Continuing with…’When your needs are met and you feel good about yourself, it’s easier to elevate the needs of other people in front of your own’
So positive self-care is at the heart of helping yourself and others. A fairly easy concept to add to your day. Listening to your body — taking a few minutes here and there — doing what you need to do to keep yourself in good health.
Then in turn you can support others and spread the word. Re-defining what ‘selfish' actually means can really support good health and well-being.
Foundation Counselling, LLC - 5 Ways to Drop the Guilt and put yourself first: https://www.foundationscounselingllc.com/blog/5-ways-drop-guilt-putting-yourself-first.php
MSNBC Why Putting Yourself First Improves Your Happiness: https://www.msnbc.com/know-your-value/why-putting-yourself-first-improves-your-happiness-productivity-n903216#