Carrying a shock pack is essential for those who suffer from Adrenal Insufficiency or Addison’s disease. This campaign looks to patients to share how they carry their kit and communicate with others to raise awareness of their condition.
From racing drivers to police to the everyday person the #ShareYourKit blogs are informative — supportive — inspiring — helpful — specific.
An adrenal crisis is potentially life-threatening — scary as a patient — scary as a bystander.
The goal — save lives — instil confidence — support family and friends should the worst happen.
By sharing knowledge — communicating — ensuring patients have the right medication — that this is stored and carried correctly — used appropriately by understanding people. Medical professionals also know what guidelines to follow.
As an Addison’s disease patient, I ensure that my medication is stored in the back of my wheelchair — in a specially marked container — along with instructions on how to deliver medication — a medical bracelet is permanently attached to my wrist. Two simple moves ensure I have all my medication and my medical details with me at all times.
My carer knows exactly where everything is and how to use it. Family and friends are aware of my diagnosis.
Patients are now issued steroid cards from their GPs to carry in a purse or wallet — some people also use these as screen savers on their phones. They now carry a QR code — that leads directly to emergency treatment guidelines.
By working together it is hoped that patients will have the confidence to share their condition with others. As rare disease day approaches the opportunity arises to push this campaign forward.
If you have Addison’s disease you can read other blogs and get top tips from patients through the Addison’s Disease Self-help group. The Facebook group provides fantastic support. The online sanctuary is a brilliant place to find comfort — understanding — knowledge — guidelines and more!
Addison’s Disease Self-help Group - Sanctuary of Support: https://www.addisonsdisease.org.uk/addisons-sos-sanctuary-of-support
Read how Beth shares her kit with others here: https://www.addisonsdisease.org.uk/blog/beths-shareyourkit
Read how Hannah shares her kit: https://www.addisonsdisease.org.uk/blog/hannahs-shareyourkit
Read how Stuart shares his kit: https://www.addisonsdisease.org.uk/blog/stuarts-shareyourkit