Health charity Mind has launched an initiative supported by the NHS to enable those with mental health conditions and concerns to stay connected.
A series of different options allow users to interact with Mind professionals, community chats and individual interactions. From the main home page you can select one of four options:
Looking for support
Saying hello
Seeking suggestions or
Sharing a little win
Allowing users to write what is on their mind in whichever category is most relevant to them on any given day. Taking into account the challenging and unpredictable nature of mental health conditions.
An innovative concept allows users to support others when they are feeling well and able to and also get some much-needed support on days when life feels really tough. Allowing some connectivity and immediate action to posts, this process is so helpful to those feeling desperate and in need of some company or understanding.
Fellow users can log a personal message in response to a community post board or use one of the quick and simple reactions buttons. An easy way to communicate is through a series of icons to click on which represent:
Thinking of you
I hear you
I like this
This helped me
Facebook users will quickly relate to the system that closely resembles the like, sad or care response available to use on posts in group chats and individual conversations.
The filter process for messages allows people to quickly view things most relevant to them and engage with others with the same conditions, interests and feelings. Users cannot use their names on their accounts making them anonymous.
There's an option to enable private messaging and Mind staff are present to moderate the community boards. Support is available from 25 team members who offer guidance, and advice and initiate conversations to encourage participation in online events, film challenges, and well-being activities.
As a user with psychosis the opportunity to feel that others out there care for you when they don’t even know you is actually quite amazing. Within a few hours of my first post, I had responses in double figures.
There is a definite need for this kind of support mechanism within the mental health system. It’s a first step on the road to self-management and accessing mental health services within the community.
A stop gap whilst waiting for referrals — a chance to gain the understanding of others — to share experiences both good and bad — maintaining some connection with the wider world and filling the empty spaces that can be so difficult to manage when support from family and friends is absent completely or everyone is just too busy managing their own challenges.
Mind says: “It’s a powerful thing to connect with someone else over shared experiences. Side by Side is an online community where you can listen, share and be heard.
If you want to find out more about the running of the service or there’s something you need to discuss with the Mind team who oversees the site, please contact:sidebysideonline@mind.org.uk