According to Martha Brook from London, we should look at ourselves in the same way that we do a plant that needs nurturing. This breaks things up into simple steps that we can take that are:
Staying hydrated
Getting some daily sunshine
Nourishing ourselves with good food
Using support mechanisms when needed
Allowing yourself the space to grow
Letting go of things that no longer help you
Remembering that although life can cut you down, you can grow back stronger
Know that nothing is meant to bloom all the time

In a similar way, Simon’s mental life highlights some ways in which we can make our mental health a priority. This includes:
Drinking plenty of water
Breathing deeply
Eating healthily
Going for a walk
Making a gratitude list
Journal your feelings
Being kind to yourself
Talking with family and friends

Although this sounds simple it can be far from it. Living with mental and physical health conditions puts a lot of strain on the mind and body. Finding ways to grow yourself in this way will be helpful. It’s a good reminder of the basics that need to go into a day to support our well-being.