Tom Brady and his body coach have based their sports science on a holistic approach. Based on a health prevention programme — aimed at those who participate in sport at a high level — have active lives — active jobs.
The basic twelve minutes are now within my plan as we venture into part three of my progress.
Pliability (stretching those muscles out) is key — implemented and definitely helping with the physiotherapy. Allowing my muscles to make the movements they need — allowing more control — developing the patterning I need to be able to try walking again. Grid roller utilised but not essential.
Hydration is easy — especially the morning water refresh — continuing through the day — more early and less in the evening. Movement is sound as well — right from the early morning 12 reps of gluts exercise (see below).
Morning breathing helps focus — erases some negative thoughts — enables the shift from a bed into the world— a new day — a new opportunity.
Sleep plan is more developed — bath — pliability — easy activities — TV — reading — meditation — even a snack of kiwi and grapes for natural melatonin. The outcome is not always the way I want it to be. Some days it works — others left staring into space — repeating the breathing app on my watch. Trying to get comfortable can be a challenge. The use of pillows and cushions is essential.
They say it takes 30 days for something to become a habit and I’m not there just yet. Getting closer day by day — small steps — small progress — definitely something worth a try. Add one ingredient at a time — the mixture will come together in the end.
As Tom Brady posted on New Year’s Eve - Strict diets — Excessive exercise — Impossible expectations. ‘When did New Year’s resolutions become so radical and unattainable? Better health comes from paying better attention — one new healthy habit at a time. From adding pliability to your routine to improving your hydration — a few small habits are all it takes to make your next big moment’ (https://www.facebook.com/TB12sports)