The start may be negative — the beginning positive — the middle in between — the conclusion a mix of productivity, problems, issues and dilemmas.
The balance of mental and physical stress and strain. The worries about the evening stretching out — what’s on TV? Will my sleep plan work? What pain levels will I experience? That moment you lie down in the dark and all of a sudden you feel something you have been covering up all day long.
Could be physical or it could be mental turmoil. Alone with those thoughts and concerns. The voices and the visions — mixed messages. Uncertainties and concerns. Not just the illness but external factors — the cost of living — medical interventions — acceptance or ghosted.
How can a day that includes so much seem to take so long to pass on by? Why is it I’m shattered and can barely get myself up the stairs and into bed, yet I can’t get to sleep?
Then I get to sleep and I re-awaken a short time after. Then moving restlessly to positions of comfort or pain or a combination. Dosing again… the night continues.
Morning soon comes again and it’s time to drag myself out of bed. The same challenges — same mountains to climb — but we move on. A community even if we are not connected. Still understanding — knowing someone out there can relate.
Certain social media sites can actually help. Linking your feelings to others in similar positions. A strange but comforting feeling like having someone by your side or a voice in your ear. Some needed encouragement, understanding and support.
Check out Action For Happiness for some Positive Support: https://actionforhappiness.org