Resolutions can provide clarity for goals – Writing out a list of goals provides you with direction. They allow you to plan your course for the future. Without goals, you end up wasting your time, money and energy, which leads to feeling overwhelmed and unprepared for opportunities that may arise.
It’s no secret that many of us find it challenging to keep resolutions and therefore don’t bother at all. The secret is to make them meaningful, achievable, realistic and part of our long-term goals.
Being a gymnast requires much dedication and can easily take over your life. So setting goals that will give you a good balance and focus is a great thing to do.
1. Be committed to your training
If you want to be a great gymnast then you have to put the time in. Maximise your time in the gym — remember that every second you train brings you closer to achieving that new skill, combination or completing a new routine. Ensuring you know what time your sessions are and being there ready to go will show your coaches just how determined you are.
2. Find a good balance
Gymnastics can take over your life— practice and competitions are time consuming. But it’s important that you find time for everything else that you need to do each day. Creating a timetable will help to ensure you never miss out!
3. Do what makes you happy
Gymnastics may be your passion and the thing that takes up most of your time. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything else. Think about other hobbies you may have, schoolwork, family events and seeing friends — make sure that you have those in your schedule as well. A break form the gym is needed and doing your favourite activities will help you feel happier.
4. Challenge yourself
Don’t be afraid to set yourself a challenge or two! It’s important that what you choose is achievable and your own personal goal not someone else’s. However, talking to your family, friends, teammates and coaches will provide you with some support.
You may want to focus on a specific skill, improve your competition scores on a particular event or aim for gold at your next competition.
5. Support your teammates
Gymnastics can be tough. Trying out new skills can be scary — performing at a competition can be nerve-racking. Having a setback or struggling to learn a new skill can feel impossible. Remember that everyone in the gym is going to face challenges at times but you are all in it together. You can help each other through those difficult times.
You’ll be proud of yourself for supporting someone else and will appreciate it when they return the favour!
Now you have your resolutions sorted share them….
Creating a vision board may help you to achieve the goals that you want to achieve. These put your goals into picture form and are really helpful to have somewhere at home, in the gym or both.
You could even create a board with your friends and coaches at the beginning of the year. It’s a fun thing to do together and you can review them easily as you make progress! See the links below for some guidance on creating your own boards.
Good Luck! I hope 2024 sees you achieve everything that you desire!
Ten New Years Resolutions for Gymnasts: https://www.northwestgymnastics.com.au/ten-new-years-resolutions-for-gymnasts/
Ten New Year Resolution Ideas for Gymnasts: https://destira.com/blogs/news/ten-new-year-resolution-ideas-for-gymnasts
Ten New Year Resolutions for Gymnasts: https://onesports.ae/ar/blogs/blogs/10-new-year-resolutions-for-gymnasts
Stick it Girl - Gymnastics Vision Board: https://stickitgirl.com/blogs/stickitgirl/gymnastics-vision-board
Create a Gymnastics Vision Board.https://gymnasticshq.com/create-a-gymnastics-vision-board/