Time to Heal
Supporting those with Pituitary Conditions, Addison's Disease & their Mental Health

Mental Health

You cannot escape mental health these days. It's everywhere and rightly so. With so many people suffering from a range of conditions such as stress, depression, bipolar, psychosis, etc those with health problems are more vulnerable to these types of conditions.
The stress of an illness, especially just after the diagnosis of a serious medical condition can cause stress in itself. Particularly whilst medication routines, symptoms experienced and management of the condition are established. There is nothing to be ashamed of as serious life changes and limitations may need to be compromised.
Although support through the medical profession can be very mixed it is important to look after yourself and ask your Dr for help. There are many charities and support groups out there that can help you. Alongside relaxation, gentle exercise, and community groups that link well to health charities and some that work alongside The We ARe Undefeatable's Campaign which aims to keep those with LTHC's active. This has the intention of improving mental well-being.
Below are some helpful links to sites focused on supporting people with mental health problems, their carers, and family and friends.
The Pituitary Foundation
Mind & Heads Together both have great websites with everything you need to help and support you through recognising you have a problem, talking about your problem, providing information about conditions, tips to help yourself and vital information about your mental health condition. An excellent example and a good place to start is by watching the video below.
Royal Voluntary Service
The Royal Voluntary Society has a COVID programme including a Virtual Village Hall. This encourages people to come together and enjoy some gentle exercise such as yoga and has a range of levels from seated to standing. The activities can be used live or accessed from the site at a convenient time. The innovative Noticeboard also includes creative art and craft activities, recipes and baking, music, singing, reading, writing, gardening, and special events.
NHS Volunteer Responders are there to support people in the community that is struggling to cope or just need someone to talk to. There are many opportunities to help others if you have the time. You will be well supported and choose your roles from making a phone call to supporting testing and vaccination centers to driving someone to the hospital, they have all areas covered.
Rethink Mental Illness
Rethink Mental Illness have support based around COVID-19 via four sections of their site;
Use of The Mental Health Act
Supporting Yourself
Support For Carers &
Hub Site For COVID Specific Support
The Undefeatables Advice Page allows you to access personal stories, great resources such as the 15 ways to move more at home leaflet and a winter exercise tool kit for which you need to use the Request Form. You will then be sent full details on how to take small steps to developing your coping strategies through exercise indoors and outdoors.