Time to Heal
Supporting those with Pituitary Conditions, Addison's Disease & their Mental Health

Physical Health & Well Being

This article is great for a few top tips for the combination of Happiness & Well-being. They are;
Catch things You are doing right
Be mindful of time on your phone
Notice Breathing Patterns
Importance of ‘Down Time’
Think about what you can do for someone else
Yoga is a great way to both start and end your day as these simple, quick, and effective images show.
This video has been created for people with learning disabilities who may be anxious or worried, devised by Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust. It demonstrates a simple breathing make viewers feel more relaxed. It’s extremely simple to follow and takes just a few seconds to complete. This is one of a number of different videos produced by the trust as they recognise that one size doesn’t fit for everyone. The others in the series are:
• 5 seconds breathing exercise
• Breathing exercise using your imagination
• Explaining mindfulness and the 5 things exercise
• My relaxing place exercise
• How to Relax the Muscles in your body 1
• How to Relax the Muscles in your body 2
Stress is an issue for us all but when you have a LTHC it can be amplified. So finding coping mechanisms can be difficult. Taking solace and thought from others who are prepared to share their load can really help. In this article Dr Alessandro Prete, Consultant Endocrinologist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, UK talks in collaboration with the Addisons Disease Self Help Group to discuss how additional medication may be required when someone is under psychological stress along with some support in showing how to reduce stress to aid your well-being.
Here Daniel Lavelle explores A Month Of Walks inspired by The University of California, who feel let ‘awe’ is an element missing from our lives! He reports that;
‘Dacher Keltner, a professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, thinks I am in the right place. “It’s hard to think of a single thing that you can do for your mind and body that’s better than a little dose of awe,” he says. It was Keltner and a team of researchers who published a paper that found that awe can reduce stress, help inflammation, increase creativity and sociability and make you happy. “To me, that all says we urgently need to find awe.”’(https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/oct/04/the-wonder-stuff-what-i-learned-about-happiness-from-a-month-of-awe-walks)
We Are Undefeatables is a Campaign that Time To Heal has been promoting for sometime. In an attempt to target those with Long Term Health Conditions to be more active they have secured a two week programme with daytime hit show Loose women.
An advert featuring popular panellists from the show Kaye Adams, Nadia Sawalha, Gloria Hunniford and Brenda Edwards, who all have experience of living with a long-term health condition or caring/supporting who do will aired eight times during the two-week partnership. Health lead, Sarah Ruane, from theSport England Team is excited to see the campaign trying new ways to reach people.
You may have already seen the TV advert for this one? But it’s all about connecting Women with self-care which we know is so important. This report by Nigel Taylor reports that;
Called ‘This Counts’, it builds on Sanctuary Spa's “heritage of understanding women, their lives and their challenges”. The new campaign is born out of its own national survey. This reveals that while 94% of UK women have felt the benefits of taking time out for themselves, 61% on average, are only managing to achieve a little over 17 minutes a day of self-care.
Of those surveyed, 84% predict this won't change in the next six months and 15% believe this amount of time will actually decline. When asked how much time they’d ideally like, the average was 51 minutes and 9 seconds a day.
So The forward thinking Sanctuary Spa is recommending;
'25-a-Day', 25 minutes of self-care across the day. The new campaign highlights how self-care doesn't have to be about unachievable yoga poses or forever out-of-reach, long weekend health retreats. “It's about attainable moments of joy that anyone can experience throughout their day. Simple acts and moments of self-care”.(https://ww.fashionnetwork.com/news/Sanctuary-spa-launches-self-care-campaign,1331237.html)
And of course there are plenty of products to choose in order to help you meet this goal! You can purchase from the online Official Shop, even getting 10% off your first order. Or if you prefer numerous places stock the products. If you have a Boots Advantage card then shop there and get yourself some extra points towards your next purchase!
Keeping ourselves as well as possible is a daily requirement. However, if eligible then get your Flu Vaccination and any booster that you are entitled to from COVID. Encourage others to do the same. Protect yourself, others around you and help reduce the strain on the NHS at the same time. Look out for your alert when your priority group is called or head to your local pharmacy.
COP26 Climate Change Explained & Actions We Can Take
COP26 is a complex area but crucial for our futures. Climate change is rightly so at the top of the agenda for Governments across the world. Are we doing our bit? Do we even know what we should be doing? This document link has all the answers and more! If that’s too complex then how about tickling of some simple actions from home? Why is this going to help your health? Well, being positive and making a contribution to society can be difficult when you live with LTHC’s. So how about;
Not eating meat one day a week
Don’t leave your ‘tech’ on charge overnight
Get outside and plant a tree or grow some vegetables
Switch from plastic takeaway cups & bottles to reusable ones
Recycle your water to get those plants growing
It’s as simple as that - small actions from many equals a great result! Plus you can have that happy feeling of paying your part, no matter how big or small the satisfaction gained is.
The Co-Op show how an elderly man leaves the house to head to his local Co-op with one plastic bag to place in a bin outside his local store. Whilst showing a simple way to recycle, it paints wider reasoning than that. He only visits the bin outside before turning to go home but is greeted by name by a worker. His first steps back outside. A small step but significant. Some natural vitamin D and some exercise as well.
Countryfile has a huge following and uses that platform to launch Plant Britain. They report that;
‘Countryfile Plant Britain wants to get everyone planting in a big, ambitious two-year project where we can all do our bit in the battle against climate change and to help wildlife and our own well-being. We launch with the goal of planting 750,000 trees – one for every UK primary school starter in 2020. From inner-city estates to some of Britain’s most breath-taking landscapes, it doesn’t matter where you live. And however small a space you’ve got to plant, we can help. What about your own micro-forest in a window box? And while we kick off with trees, over the next two years we’ll also be looking at the fruit, veg, and flowers. So whatever you plant, be sure to log it on our interactive map. And don’t miss out on our special planting ballot which gives you the chance to plant trees with Countryfile presenters at Woodland Trust sites across Britain’
A great programme showing how nature and gardening can be accessible for all. Gives many therapeutic benefits and helps the planet!