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Time to Heal
Supporting those with Pituitary Conditions, Addison's Disease & their Mental Health

Overview of Symptoms

What are the signs and symptoms of Addison’s disease and adrenal insufficiency?
People with adrenal failure typically report some or all of the following symptoms:
overwhelming exhaustion
weight loss
deepening skin pigmentation (looking like they a sun tan even when they haven’t been out in the sun)
dizziness on standing
low blood pressure
poor appetite
nausea or vomiting
difficulty concentrating
muscle weakness with cramps
salt cravings
stomach pains
The danger signs of an adrenal crisis include :
Extreme weakness, feeling terrible, vomiting, headache
Light-headedness or dizziness on sitting up or standing up
Feeling very cold, uncontrollable shaking; back, limb or abdominal pain
Confusion, drowsiness, loss of consciousness
If you suffer any of these you need to inject yourself with hydrocortisone immediately and call for medical assistance.
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