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Superheroes - The Sequel


‘Ambassadors Uncut!’

This is truly unique. Never seen before this is literally putting our hearts and soles out there for all to see. After a superb team effort in the ‘Superheroes Winter Wonderland Challenge!’ each participant setting their goals and challenging exercise targets. They have covered the distance target in any way they can to achieve a team total, using whatever aids, side-kicks and technology required. Whilst choosing so many different approaches and activities.

Remember that every ambassador is a volunteer and the work carried out is huge and collectively the All Together Programme has achieved so much and reached so many people. In case you missed it, Part 1 can be read here.

At the end of the challenge we asked each participant to reflect on their part in the Superheroes event using these questions as a guide;

  • Did you achieve/surpass your goal?

  • What did you feel about the challenge?

  • What did you enjoy the most?

  • Did you use any aids/apps etc to help you that may be useful to others with a similar disability or for general help/motivation to do the challenge?

What comes next is exactly what they wrote in their responses. All different in length, spelling, grammar, content, order and the way achievements were monitored and represented.

Does this really matter? No! We all make mistakes, including us at Time To Heal. It’s the purpose of what our small community are trying to do and that is to inspire others to participate in sport and activity by delivering, promoting, and supporting inclusive exercise for those with LTHC’s and Disabilities.

The full responses follow and they are pasted into the order in which they were received as well, so no favourite’s there either! We work as one strong unit and no one puts themselves above another. We collectively inspire and support each other and our work never ends.

Enjoy the read and remember we need to allow some self-compassion and not criticism. Our community battle with our health and wellbeing day in and day out, requiring pacing, chunking, fatigue, pain and judgement …….

So here we present ‘ Superheroes Uncut’

Sasha Judge

I definitely achieved my goal. I achieved my goal by using my personal recumbent bike in my personal gym. I also did twice a week 1-1 sphere sessions with my good friend Billy Ray Mansell. I also did some walking.

I felt that this challenge helped me get more active.

I enjoyed doing the sphere sessions the most because I adapted them to make them more easier for me.

I found a way to convert steps into KM’s I managed to find it online.

The following KM’s I have clocked up between the 23rd November to 6th December

23rd November:- 7.2KM’s (Recumbent Bike)

24th November:- 3.1KM’s (Walking)

26th November:- 2.8KM’s (Walking) 7.2KM’s (Recumbent Bike)

27th November:- 1.5KM’s (Walking)

29th November:- 7.2KM’s (Recumbent Bike)

30th November:- 1.6KM’s (Walking)

2nd December:- 1.7KM’s (Walking)

3rd December:- 7.2KM’s (Recumbent Bike)

5th December:- 0.8KM’s (Sphere Session)

Donna Robinson

I did not really have a set goal of steps/kilometres as I was told of an illness in my family on the evening of the first day of the challenge and thought I might have to pull out at the last minute this was the case so I am really impressed with my final results ( which can be found in the grid below so please take a look! You have my final result of my kilometres as addition is not one my strongest points all I know is on the 23rd of November managed 2.5kms and on the 5th of December managed 4.6kms I finished 5th of December being busy with family on the 6th of December ) also I achieved the challenge using my wheelchair ( wheeling and walking) it on set routine everyday I went for walk at 1pm and would 2 parts where I would walk and 1 part where I sat in chair and wheeled myself due going down hill my on chosen route.

I felt the challenge was a great motivation tool and really helped me to break up the day during lockdown 2 and I definitely would take up the opportunity to do a challenge like it again if I was ever asked to!

I really enjoyed being part of a team and sharing goals progress and experiencess via social media platforms E.G Facebook and twitter we had access to zoom WhatsApp and course we communicated via email as well! Also really seeing my personal progress through out challenge and seeing what I was able to achieve by recording a video blog and using the Apple Health watch my progress unfold

during the challenge I used my wheelchair to aid walking and levels of tiredness management the apps I used during the challenge were WhatsApp to speak to other team members! Seenit Captured recommended by the company that supervise the challenge and it was so they could have I’m recording for Channel 4 sports program I believe I’m not 100% sure but that’s what I think anyway! The other app I used was Apple Health app on my phone 2 record I’m calculate my step on kilometres and steps as that what was needed for the challenge. I also a web link called superheroes race log and that was recommended by the company that supported us throughout the challenge.

Then I was able to do was add together my total of kilometres I achieved form the 23rd of November – 5thof December in my case as adding big numbers is not my strong point but I am more than happy for you to this Hayley like last time. I know my final total of kilometres because they company looking after us for out this challenge the web link to a diary application where we can type our kilometres achieved through out the challenge on a daily basis for example on 5th November 2.5kms and link added it together as we went along on the challenge!

Billy Mansell

My individual Goal to contribute towards the collectives was to achieve 500km with my Super Sidekick Son Noah's and families help along the way. We was so proud that we surpassed our target and achieved 555.3km working together. We did Daily Miles, Superhero Adventures, Solo Cycling,

Walking, Running, Skating, Obstacle courses at home, special waves at local care homes and locally and finally we manouvred the sphere solo, together and I even did the sphere and some challenges alongside fellow Superheroes and Essex All Together Team Members. We also completed the Team Virtual Superhero Relay towards the end of the event.

I/ we found the challenge to be incredibly motivating, we were part not only part of the Team Essex All Together Collective but we also was part of the Team JJ Chalmers aka Team Spiderman collective for The Race Around The World Challenge which kept us very motivated to stay connected and engaged day in day out of the campaign/ event. We motivated each other and connected so well together as a team, specially with our all together superhero virtual relay challenge. It was like a dream coming true to see an All Together Ambassador Team taking part together and being the Captain of this team was also another huge motivating factor and honour for me personally.

To be honest, we had so many special moments we will cherish, as a family, team and from a father perspective myself. Although, the best moments was seeing the ripple effect and joy this brought to others everytime we stepped outside for our next mission, to see all ages and abilities react to us in such welcomed ways as we ventured outside was truly awesome, we could feel the Superhero Magic with us wherever we went, that feeling, was incredible powerful and motivating itself.

So to do the challenge I ensured I never planned to far in advance, that adaptions on a daily basis was needed due to weather, my own Invisible Disability/ Long Term Condition and having my Son with me the majority of the time. I managed to form this as part of my self management, took appropriate rest days and ensured I did everything I needed to like Mindfulness, bathing therapy, stretching and rest, I ensured I switched up my activities and didn't do too much on one activity but a spread of activities across the month encouraging lower impact activities as well which always does suit me better. Cycling I did the most and has played a huge role in my continuous self management, this particular event allowed me to channel that more which is also why I completed more KM's in this event that the previous one in the summer. With my partner working full time, on some days I would wait till the evening to do my ride following a day with my Son, this allowed me to tally more km's with the support from my partner there. Finally I had great motivation from the wonderful Team Essex All Together and our fellow Superheroes and Sidekicks around the World, this carried me through the difficult times in the challenge and enabled me to keep pushing on and feel connected.

I used video editing apps on my phone (Power Director), TikTok and Instagram to help create various videos I shared across the month, I also ensured I got plenty of videos to send in to the Seenit App for the event and Channel 4 TV Highlights Show.

Chris McLeod

My goal was to jog over 2000 laps up and down my hallway and I surpassed it .

It was great motivation to keep me moving.

I enjoyed pushing myself to do the challenge.

The only app I used was the health app on my phone

Kierran Pearce

I didn't have a goal as such. I was just happy to be a part of the team!

It was great motivation during another difficult lockdown - it was very inspiring to see people completing their distances via social media and the whatsapp group!

I enjoyed seeing everyone else getting involved and smashing their targets!

Only the whatsapp group to keep in touch with how everything was going and to plan the final day schedule (i am not so great with technology!)

We hope you enjoyed reading about the success of our community! Take care, be safe, stay active and have a fantastic Christmas (Although a sensible and small one!)


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