A different way to help manage a chronic condition?
Billy Mansell shares how being part of the Essex All together Ambassador programme has enabled a better way of living with a multitude of medical conditions. Looking at ways to improve health and well-being without medication*.
Fibromyalgia sufferer and campaigner, Mansell also manages CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) and Post Traumatic Migraine Disorder under his fibromyalgia umbrella. The combination of which saw his life take a real turn. Unable to participate in sports he has always been so passionate about and a change of career.
Mansell is now focused on driving a multi-disciplinary approach to his health. With sport and exercise at the heart of his programme. Achieved through a combination of cycling, stretching and walking, alongside good nutrition.
Fibromyalgia is a complex condition that he is still learning to live with. Causing widespread chronic pain, fatigue, sleep disturbance and mood balance. He sleeps mainly when migraines hit. Then keeps activity levels up to counter fatigue and build resilience. The benefits of volunteering are also evident.
The Essex All Together Programme has played its part in Mansell’s success. For this Hayley Chapman has been a big influence. The relationship manager and lead for inclusion with Active Essex now have a workforce of 40 volunteer ambassadors. All strive to support those with LTHCs and disabilities to access exercise and sports.
Throughout Essex, Mansell's drive and determination have been felt with the Superman costumes worn throughout the pandemic. Inspiring others with LTHCs and disabilities to participate in the Superheroes Series. A combination of sporting events and virtual challenges for disabled people. Supporting incredible causes and charities in the process.
He said: ’Everyone deserves the opportunity to participate and also have the opportunity to compete and take great life skills for health management in the process. Highlighting that, 'It has been a pathway into work, supporting others, inspiring others and connecting better with my family and support network’.
So looking to the future - What comes next?
Further campaigning to support developments for the Fibromyalgia community. Aiming for better research, treatment, support, education, recognition and awareness. Continuing to develop, adjust, learn and manage fibromyalgia. Working, volunteering and trying to improve his quality of life. He continues to encourage, support and inspire others, including his local community and fellow ambassadors.
If you haven’t already been inspired to volunteer then think again! Chapman said: ‘It has been fantastic to hear feedback from ambassadors on how volunteering through the programme has supported their health and well-being and helped create new social connections".
As part of this team and a volunteer since the age of 13, taking on various roles, I can personally state that volunteering is a great opportunity. Something small, something big, the choice is yours. Something those with or without skills can accomplish.
As Chapman concludes," We have also provided bursaries which have helped ambassadors develop new skills such as achieving coaching qualifications, which has increased confidence and supported the delivery of activity for more disabled people across Essex".
Mansell and his family survive on low earnings which have meant that as a family they were limited in what they could do. So taking part in these activities gives them more opportunities. Allowing them to do more together. Following his pathway. Finding balance, which is key.
*Please remember that these blogs are very real to us. We are on the same journey. It’s tough, slow and frustrating. Most of the Scenarios we face ourselves. Sometimes we find what we print useful. Other times we don’t. It’s included because everyone's journey is different. We have passionate perseverance to help others. To dispose of all content would be a waste and a disservice to our readers.
**Please remember before making any decisions to stop medications you must consult your Doctors, hospital consultants and anyone else involved in your care.