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  • timetoheal1210

Developing a Positive Mindset - What does it mean?

A positive mindset means you are optimistic about the world around you. Expect those good things will happen to you. In contrast, a negative mindset indicates that you expect bad things to happen and struggle to perceive the world positively. The burden of a Long Term Health Condition and additional stresses can make it feel impossible to feel positive*.

We have already explored how implementing simple mindfulness practices can support us to gain a positive mindset to: Increase our happiness, raise low self-esteem, help support time management and help people cope with mental health conditions.

You can read it here.

Now to utilise this knowledge and practice to translate into a positive mindset. At a time when the cost of living crisis, managing LTHCs and other stressful situations place on our bodies and minds. Ensuring that we are well balanced. Avoiding a negative impact on our health and well-being.

How do we utilise our mindfulness skills?

Being mindful doesn't mean you have adopted a positive mindset. For that, we need to change our behaviours and how we approach the challenges life shows us. Much easier said than done! Still at the level of grasping mindfulness and implementing it into your day? Try Action for Happiness. Each month a new calendar with a theme. This one is all about Mindfulness with a small, quick and easy task to complete each day. By establishing daily use we begin to form positive behaviours, which can then change our perspectives and thinking.

Why is a positive mindset important to those with LTHCs & Mental Health Conditions?

Thinking more positively means approaching challenges in our life with a positive outlook. It doesn’t mean avoidance or ignoring the bad. Recognising our conditions, learning about them, and looking at other areas of our lives. Analysing what is good and then focusing on the bad. Ensuring we get the most out of medical appointments. Asking questions, and being open to trying different treatments. Seeking out alternatives ourselves. Controlling what we can and adapting to the rest. But asking for help when it's needed.

What can lead to achieving a positive mindset?

Positive Psychology explains that: ‘positivity doesn’t always refer to simply smiling and looking cheerful, however—positivity is more about one’s overall perspective on life and their tendency to focus on all that is good in life. Taking things to the next level they have produced 89 Ways To Achieve A Positive Attitude! Within this large document they cover;

  • The basics of positivity

  • Identify some of the many benefits of approaching life from a positive point of view &

  • Explore some tips and techniques for cultivating a positive mindset.

You can even download a PDF document Positive Psychology ebook which contains three exercises you can complete for free.

The Mayo Clinic advocates Self-talk as a tool to improve positive thinking. Stating that:

‘Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking and optimism on health. This may include:

  • Lower levels of distress and pain

  • Reduced risk of death from respiratory conditions (such as Coronavirus)

  • Greater resistance to illnesses

  • Lower rates of depression

  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

This article features a section on Identifying Negative Thinking. It aims to enable us to understand the difference between positive and negative thoughts and includes filtering, catastrophising, blaming and magnifying.

So, a lot to think about. The odds can seem stacked against you. Especially when you see and think others around you are doing so well. That dreadful comparison comes into play. Slowly and gradually we can turn this around. It’s not easy. Trust me I know. But take small steps and see what you can do. Remember. If all you did was make it through the day. Then that alone is a great beginning.

*As you read our blogs please remember that we are all on the same pathways as you. Sometimes we find what we convey helpful but at other times we don’t. However, we include it because everyone's journey is different and we like to have this passionate perseverance to help others as much as possible. To dispose of it all would be a waste and a disservice to our readers.

Action For Happiness - Mindfulness Calendar

Positive Psychology - 89 Ways To Achieve A Positive Attitude

Positive Psychology - ebook

Positive Thinking - Self-Talk

Identifying Negative Thinking

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