Could they support those with long term health conditions?

When looking at happiness, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins are the key chemicals needed. We look at: how brain chemicals work, the role they play in everyday lives, and how to get your daily supply. In any environment or scenario, you encounter. Without the need for medication and supported by The Hypermobility Association’s D.O.S.E chart*.
Part One: An introduction to the role these hormones play, what they do, the signs to look for if you are low and some simple tips to help restock. Concluding with an alternative theory to try.
Part Two: Reviews how to activate happy chemicals through movement and activity. Concluding with a look at the alternative options available.
Happiness can seem like a distant memory. With the stress placed on our bodies. LTHCs and/or mental health conditions or just the stress of everyday living. For some, it’s a combination. Sometimes we may not want to express this emotion as those around us struggle and suffer. No one should be made to feel that way.
Even in the bleakest moments, there are opportunities to feel optimistic and upbeat. Those living with severe medical conditions cherish those happy moments. As their family and friends should too.
The Theory
As with many of these theories, there are many adaptations. Our preference is The Hypermobility D.O.S.E chart. Developed by a staff member in the social media office, this handy, cheerful chart breaks the theory down in a simple but effective and fun way.
There is still value to be had in the alternatives. Extensive research has been done in this area. Love this article written by Mercey Livingston which looks at the approach of naturally increasing happy hormones.
What are these chemicals and how do you know if you are low in one or more?
Dopamine is labelled as the reward chemical. Supporting concentration, learning, and pleasure. Helping us to set and achieve our everyday goals. Low levels can manifest as mood swings, difficulty with focus, low self-esteem and feeling hopeless.
Oxytocin gets to be the love chemical! Motivation to build and maintain relationships. Lack of motivation, loneliness, high fatigue levels and limited energy are all noticeable with lowered levels.
Serotonin is our mood stabiliser. Creating positive emotions, and plays a role in our social interactions. Social phobia, sensitivity, panic attacks and obsessive behaviour can result from a lack of this one.
Endorphins are our natural painkillers and help us respond to stress. Low levels can cause anxiety, more aches and pains than normal and difficulty with sleep. Arguably the most important for those with LTHCs and/or mental health conditions.
So what can we do to increase these brain chemicals?
Dopamine increases when we manage to complete simple everyday tasks. Get creative. Eat well or participate in self-care activities. Examples would be baking, drawing, and taking time to massage your hands with your favourite hand cream. Get in the kitchen and bake or make a nutritious smoothie.
Oxytocin will be the more touch and feel-oriented chemical. Take the opportunity to play with your pet if you have one. Make physical contact with a friend or family member. Compliments work well. Whether you give or receive the benefit will be the same.
Serotonin requires us to get outside and absorb some sunlight and be at one with nature. Although meditation activities, massages and showers in cold water are deemed to help as well.
Endorphins are the happy ones! They may need some laughter. Indulge in a comedy or some people's preference may be eating dark chocolate. Add the two together and your supply levels are sure to increase. Eat a spicy meal in between and you have the entire selection!
Happiness means something different to everyone. The social media office at The Hypermobility Association has faith in this. Livingston's article recognises the issues of everyday living.
The rising cost of living. Looks into the science in depth. Highlighting the importance of avoiding harm to enable the release of hormones. Building confidence by controlling what you can.
Remember that everyone deserves to feel happy. Even in the darkest times, we should never hide this emotion. It occurs naturally. It can be managed naturally and it comes cost-free. Crucial factors for living and surviving in the current times.
*Please remember that these blogs are authentic to us. We are on the same journey. It’s challenging, slow and frustrating. Most of the Scenarios we face ourselves. Sometimes we find what we print useful. Other times we don’t. It’s included because everyone's journey is different. We have passionate perseverance to help others. To dispose of all content would be a waste and a disservice to our readers.