The Essex All Together programme aims to inspire, promote, deliver and support those with long-term health conditions to become active with the support of the programme's ambassadors.
A goal for 2024 is to ensure that those with long-term health conditions and disabilities can be integrated into the community. Providing stepping stones which improve confidence and accessibility to sports and exercise provision open to anyone through the ‘Find Your Active’ Programme.
Below we look at some examples of how this is being implemented across Essex and ways in which groups can apply for funding to set up their own sessions using these examples as inspiration to improve accessibility and the range of provision offered across different activities and areas of the county.
Pedal Power and Bike Rides for Softies
Pedal Power is a project that aims to provide residents with bikes. This award-winning project has supplied bikes, training and ongoing support to many across the county. It has allowed many people to go cycling for fitness, and pleasure or to enable more freedom instead of relying on public transport.
Bikes are initially loaned but with continued use, they become the property of the individual. Adapted bikes can also be supplied when required.
Many cycle groups have been created including Cycling for Softies — an off-road bike session every 2nd and 4th Sunday from The Kingscliff Hotel in Holland-on-Sea.
Active Essex - Find You’re Active With Me - Pedal Power: https://www.activeessex.org/find-your-active/with-me/
Active Essex - YouTube Video - Pedal Power: https://youtu.be/qagmt-w7AG0?si=ZQ2gkMrY7YuROyXJ
Active Essex - Pedal Power Project: https://www.activeessex.org/essex-pedal-power/
Free Beginners Community Yoga
Active Essex funding has allowed In studio classes at Little Clacton Village Hall to be provided from 1.15-2.15 PM, every Monday for those wishing to try yoga. All abilities and families are welcome and chair yoga options are also available. Participants come from a range of ages and backgrounds and many have long-term health conditions that have been supported by taking part in this activity, allowing them to access other opportunities and also make friends.
Yoga in Clacton Blog: https://www.activeessex.org/news-events/blog/aum-yoga-clacton/
Yoga in Clacton - YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/i9uMyR4pXic?si=WfdOZcj7Pk7GcUOy
Sport For Confidence
An online YouTube channel provides opportunities to try out activities from home that are easily adapted to suit the needs of the participants. Sessions are delivered by qualified instructors and include bocci, dance, football and netball skills.
Leisure centre sessions offer an additional opportunity where an Occupational Therapist and Coach are placed to make reasonable adjustments and break down barriers to enable everyone to participate in accessible sports and physical activity and experience positive outcomes in their lives.
You can self-refer yourself into the programme and then participate knowing your needs will be met. Adaptations will be made to sessions to ensure you can participate fully and that you are kept safe.
Sport For Confidence Online Videos: https://www.activeessex.org/find-your-active/workout-channel/sport-for-confidence/
Sport For Confidence - Leisure Centre Opportunities: https://www.sportforconfidence.com/our-services/leisure-centres/
Community Connectors are the helping hand to get residents moving!
The Find Your Active Community Connectors are here to help offer support to Essex residents who may be new to physical activity and not know where to start, feel anxious or worried about attending a class, or have an injury/long-term health condition and are unsure of what exercise they can safely do.
Community connectors are the individuals that can give you a guiding hand and find an activity that’s right for you!
Community Connectors — Meet The Team: https://www.activeessex.org/find-your-active/with-me/
A Day In The Life Of Find Your Active: https://www.activeessex.org/news-events/blog/a-day-in-the-life-of-find-your-active/
Any organisation in the Essex County Council footprint can apply for this funding and the money can be used to start up new activities or increase the numbers attending existing activities, all with the aim of getting more people active. Although applications have been temporarily paused you can still register your interest for when new funding becomes available.
Find Your Active - Funding: https://www.activeessex.org/find-your-active/fund/
Find Your Active is a great way to get moving whatever your limitations or worries. Theres a lot of help and support to get you moving and building your confidence to allow you to participate in whatever activities you wish to and support mental and physical well-being at the same time.
Access the Find Your Active database here: https://www.activeessex.org/find-your-active/