For International Women's Day 2024 and beyond, let's Inspire Inclusion. When we inspire others to understand and value women's inclusion, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there's a sense of belonging, relevance and empowerment.
The IWD 2024 #InspireInclusion campaign aims to collectively forge a more inclusive world for women. This includes the mission to ensure everyone has equal access to sports and physical activity.
This Girl Can
This Girl Can is an award-winning campaign launched in 2015 funded by the National Lottery and delivered in partnership with Sport England. Its goal is to get females moving regardless of shape, ability or background in a way that suits them.
In Essex the goal this International Women’s Day is to get people moving outside — whether this is through walking, cycling, running, swimming, outdoor gyms or sports participation.
Active Essex This Girl Can Exercise Ambassadors
In Essex, there are two types of ambassadors. Move cheerleaders share their stories and post updates. Change Makers are pioneers who support women through the delivery of activity, reaching out to women across the county.
Now into a fresh year, #ThisGirlCanEssex ambassadors are encouraging women and girls to try something new! Whether that be walking, running, or trying a local class with a friend, it's about finding the right activity for you. This can be done on your own or with others. Get inspired by current This Girl Can Exercise Ambassadors by reading their stories here.
Some examples of activities that are currently available in Essex can be found below:
Active Essex Big Step Challenge
From 8 March until Friday 22 Active Essex is running the Big Team challenge through the This Girl Can programme and linking with International Women’s Day. The aim is to try and do 10-12,000 steps a day. You’ll be part of a team and have access to an app where you can track your team's progress through a virtual route. A really good way to begin your journey. https://www.activeessex.org/women-like-us-big-team-challenge/
Any walking is great for physical and mental health and there are so many options within the county. Active Essex has partnered with Go Jauntly to provide 50 miles worth of great walks in Essex. You can download the app onto your phone and follow any of these routes or just create your own. A great way to begin your road to activity or progress from the big step challenge. https://www.gojauntly.com/active-essex
Amigos Ladies Running Club brings local women together to run, have fun and be safe together. Working together to complete couch to 5k has been supported by London Marathon Foundation funding following RideLondon-Essex 2023. Read more in this blog about this amazing group of ladies: https://www.activeessex.org/news-events/blog/amigos-running-club-rayleigh/
If you fancy a bit of wild swimming then Blue Therapy Active are a group that meets regularly to have a dip in the sea. Taking participants through safety protocols, mindfulness and breath work to enable them to make friendships and achieve better mental and physical well-being. Visit their website for more details of upcoming events. https://www.activeessex.org/news-events/blog/blue-therapy-active/
Young Females - Importance of PE
It’s not just about Women either — supporting the young to get active is also on the agenda. With some children not taking to traditional PE as well as others, @Studio_YouPE offers a fun, engaging alternative — perfect for getting everyone involved. This innovative digital platform aims to ensure every girl, regardless of background and ability, can enjoy PE. https://studio-you.co.uk
Family Activities
Disney Dance Alongs is another online platform created in partnership between Disney and the This Girl Can initiative. The series of 2-minute videos to popular Disney film songs is a great way to begin moving together in a fun and safe way. A great way for Mothers and daughters to be active together.
If you want to get outdoors then ParkPlay is a free and amazing way to get families active, whilst bringing the community together to have fun! There are now 14 locations across Essex and 2 more are due to launch in the coming month. Simply turn up and enjoy moving together. https://www.activeessex.org/news-events/blog/free-family-fun-at-parkplay/
However, if you choose to get active there are plenty of people willing to help and support you. There are so many benefits to being active. Forging friendships, improving mental and physical well-being, productivity and improved sleep are just a few.
Already Active and looking for more?
If you are already active and are passionate about getting others involved then why not sign up to be a This Girl Can Ambassador and help others start their own adventures! https://www.activeessex.org/find-your-active/this-girl-can-essex/ambassadors/
Good luck and remember to enjoy yourself! Moving should be fun!
Important Links
International Women’s Day - Theme 2024: https://www.internationalwomensday.com/Theme
International Women’s Day - Mission - Sport: https://www.internationalwomensday.com/Mission/Sport
Active Essex - This Girl Can Ambassador’s: https://www.activeessex.org/find-your-active/this-girl-can-essex/ambassadors/
Studio You PE Lessons: https://studio-you.co.uk
Disney Dance Alongs: https://www.thisgirlcan.co.uk/disney-dance-alongs
Read more about ParkPlay here: https://park-play.com
Active Essex — Big Team Challenge:https://www.activeessex.org/women-like-us-big-team-challenge/
Active Essex - Blue therapy Active: https://www.activeessex.org/news-events/blog/blue-therapy-active/
Active Essex - Go Jauntly Walks in Essex: https://www.gojauntly.com/active-essex
Active Essex — Sign up to be an ambassador: https://www.activeessex.org/find-your-active/this-girl-can-essex/ambassadors/