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Opportunities To learn & Support Each Other- Help Your Children To Cope At Home

At these difficult times we need to come together and share knowledge, support each other and work as communities to help and support each other through what can only be referred to as a war. We need to share our coping mechanisms and try to make good from a horrible situation.

Positive things can come from this epidemic and it will end. We don’t know when and for how long we will be on ‘lock down’. However, as a nation as we try desperately to follow the rules and beat this COVID-19 that is overtaking our world, it can only be beneficial to look at the positives and what will be better when we eventually recover and the world calms down again. By following the stringent rules and regulations and encouraging others, shielding the most vulnerable and protecting the vulnerable, living a new life we will all gain something positive from this experience. It’s a world wide phenomenon and everyone is affected.

No one’s day will be the same as before. There will be things we miss and things that we have to go without but what better way to beat this than to face it head on, adhere to the rules.These guidelines require discipline, containment and management. We have to proceed with caution but we still have to live our lives, find our own way through.

Sharing our issues and problems can only be good. I desperately miss the swimming pool which is my ‘happy place’ to be. Being unable to get out and do things means my psychosis progress is halted. The FEAR of going out and the voices, the stares at my wheelchair, the voices and delusions. Walking is not an option and isn’t for many, so staying home will set back the progress I and many others have made with our everyday health conditions and or disabilities.

However, in turn there is exercise I can do at home, focus on my writing, a journalism course I am working on can be completed. BUT it’s crucial to me to find a balance between physical and mental activities. Going out to the pool is energy sapping from the getting ready, going to the car, in and out of my wheelchair and getting changed, showering, changing and coming home. Using my mental health strategies is extremely draining. I need to find a way to substitute this and I really hope that I can help others as well.

If you’ve read other blogs you know how much I like to be in control of whatever I can be. My health and disabilities are unpredictable so I am firm and decisive about everything that I can monitor and manage around my daily schedule. This includes; meals, clothes, outings, pacing, physio, mental health strategies I need, written scripts for phone calls or hospital appointments.

In these circumstances that actually turns around to be a decisive and firm way to get through the days and weeks that follow. Although, we all have an element of daily management of this nature without realising it. It’s more prominent in those with long term health conditions and disabilities but it is there, just needs unlocking and utilising. Even for me at this time with all my schedules this process is still hit and miss and I struggle to get it right.


Positivity, staying firm to the guidelines and standing in defiance will allow us to monitor the restrictions whilst we fight our battles with COVID-19.

Why not use this to our advantage by;-

  • Understanding of what life is like for those who have long term medical conditions, disabilities and mental health problems. Seeing what it’s like to be unable to go out when we want to or be instinctive about going to the gym or pop to the shops.

  • Increased Physical activity. Personal trainers, athletes, gyms and more are producing great exercise material for you to access. Could we actually all come out the other side more active?

  • Talking about mental health. Use this as time to incorporate a ‘moment’ to check in with someone to see how they are doing. Take 5 minutes before or after your meals to see what everyone has been doing and any worries they have.

  • With the strain of food producers and stock pilling, nutrition is something we can look at. We can’t predict what will be at the supermarket when we arrive but we can still make good choices and find healthy options with fresh fruits and vegetables still available, with the alternative of frozen which is just as nutritious and sometimes more so.

  • Picking up the phone to ring or text and connect with someone you haven’t been in touch with for a while could bring joy to everyone involved.

  • Utilising our wizardly supply of modern technology outlets creatively.

  • Balancing the need for both mental and physical activities during everyday and recognising how much you are doing each day.

  • Try and create new memories. Re-connect with a hobby, make something, cook something you’ve never tried before. It doesn’t have to be something big. Remember and share the small things that you do. You’ll be amazed at how many positives you can find just by talking or writing them down which will help lift your mood and is a great mental health strategy.


With this in mind think how hard us adults are finding this whole process and then think about children, especially with many missing school , friends, clubs, mental challenges and how much time they may just be sitting around playing video games or saying they are bored. Childline are already overwhelmed by phone calls from children and young people who are scared and worried at this time.

This is why today I want to share with you all a Journal that we at Time To Heal have produced to support children who have Pituitary Conditions. Despite that if you look upon it in the right way it can offer a great journal that is fun to use for any child. It’s like a diary but with a bit of a twist to engage young minds, help them learn about hospitals and what might happen to them.

There is a lot of content within the document that you can utilise. A great way to structure their day and let them show you how they are coping. It includes puzzles, crafts, activity ideas, daily journal sheets, art therapy and more in the hope of making it much easier for the whole family to cope with. During our current climate it could allow any child to record what their worries might be.

Something in particular I can point out is a ‘Dazzle Box’, The purpose behind it is to give you and or your child to gather together some small items like puzzle books, games, cards, fidget spinners etc that you have at home.

The log book that Time To Heal have launched can be found here;


These links are excellent for education ideas and exercise wise and can be adapted for those with any long term health problems, disabilities and learning difficulties;


Max Whitlock is putting up some gymnastic work outs via his Social Media accounts for both beginners and ‘Elite’ gymnasts. A great way to help any gymnasts and another outlet and opportunity to try something new and fun as a family in a safe way. See the images below for more details:


Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl have produced educational tools for children and can be found here;-


Ipswich Town Football Club have produced a combination of literacy, numeracy and keep fit ideas for any football fan! I am sure that other clubs will have similar but the link is below:-

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