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Take 10 minutes to escape

Only got one, two or five? That could work just as well.

Feeling stressed, worried, concerned, upset or plain emotional? Tried and tested ways to get your day back on track. The addition of simple self-care techniques at times of distress wherever you are can be beneficial. To support improved health and well-being. Reduce the need for some medications and realign focus.

Developed by Dominee Blessing manifesting is:

“A place to explore topics of self-love, self-care, body love, as well as tips to deal with depression and anxiety. It's your online sanctuary for positivity, inspiration, and community” (

Starting Out

‘Blessing Manifesting has developed The STOP technique. A simple basic four step plan — 15 seconds — stop what you are doing. Take a deep breath. Notice thoughts and how your body feels. Proceed with a coping mechanism.

Step one - knowing when you need to stop.

When you start to feel overwhelmed, you find yourself staring at your screen. You feel lost for what to do or have too many things to do. That’s the time to think quick. Then use strategies to support a positive return to your task.

Step two - Developing coping mechanisms

This bit is more of a challenge. Dependant on whether we are looking for a mental or physical break. Long or short. Where you are and what your surroundings are. Some simple tips:

  • How many times a day do you look at your phone? That phone could become your break. Load it with an app you love, look at it when you need to and no one will think anything of it.

  • Be mindful whilst waiting in a queue — think about everything going on around you using your senses.

  • Dance to the radio while the kettle boils.

  • Utilise a deep breathing technique, a short meditation or a few yoga poses.

  • Put together a sequence of stretching movements that can be completed sitting or standing.

  • Doodle or draw.

Step three - Incorporate into your routine

You don’t need long and you can be very discreet. This means it can slot into your day easily with practice. Timetable to start with by recognising times of the day you experience stress or begin to feel overwhelmed. Look for triggers. Like when you are tired or completing certain tasks. Try a variety of activities to see what works the best.

Step four - return to your task

Having followed the above steps return to your previous activity or switch to something else.

Ensure you plan in some self care

The International Self Care Foundation said: ‘Self-Care is what people do for themselves to establish and maintain health, and to prevent and deal with illness’. Recognising it as a concept that includes factors such as hygiene, nutrition, lifestyle, environmental factors socio-economic factors and self-medication’ these are covered in their Seven Pillars of Self Care chart.

Children and young people

Everyone needs a break sometimes and that includes the younger generation. The pressures from social media, school and being a teenager growing up in times of hardship can lead to anxious feelings.

The Wellbeing Toolkit from Young Devon has some tips on managing anxiety. This includes a 10 a day chart with activities to improve mental health.

Better Health has teamed up with Disney to help get kids active through a series of 10 Minute Shake Up games. Inspired by characters from Encanto & Frozen, to Lightyear, and The Avengers!


Many LTHCs are affected by stress and in many cases increase the need for additional medications or bring on more severe symptoms. In some cases, if symptoms can be identified early they can be managed naturally. (remember to work with your doctor on this)

A great way to do this is to encourage anyone around you to use the same theory. Lockdown provided some great examples.

Whilst doing Zoom meetings some groups spent time dancing together. Perhaps following a sequence of breathing exercises to break things up and support each other.

*Please remember that these blogs are very real to us. We are on the same journey. It’s tough, slow and frustrating. Most of the Scenarios we face ourselves. Sometimes we find what we print useful. Other times we don’t. It’s included because everyone's journey is different. We have passionate perseverance to help others. To dispose of all content would be a waste and a disservice to our readers.

Blessing Manifesting

The Well Being Toolkit from Young Devon

International Self-Care Foundation

Better Health and Disney Children 10 minute Shake ups.

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