Celebration is not always what springs to mind when you think of a charity. However, a 25th Anniversary of an established, dedicated team is something worth more than the celebration, it deserves recognition and support to expand.
A selfless low paid work force based in Bristol but focused, driven and on hand to anyone who needs them. So when the achievement in 2017/18 leaflets from the Pituitary foundation landed on my doormat I found myself thinking about how invincible and inspirational these people are.
Looking after those with Pituitary conditions that are rare makes it a real challenge. These conditions can cause so many problems. Life changing and challenging conditions to manage are all supported and experts are always available. Over the phone, by email, by text messages, social media, pairing patients and volunteers so they can share and support each other, reading materials and local support groups!
Thinking outside the box leaves the Pituitary Foundation streets ahead of many larger charities. They are deeply focused and extremely knowledgeable. Plugging away with a stream of campaigns using the network of volunteers and their work as well as free time, they connect on a personal level and allow people into what feels like an extended family.
So lets look at some mammoth tasks they have managed to achieve through 2017/2018.
1 million website hits2,600 helpline enquiries answeredover 12,500 likes on social medianew publications being produced all the time.2277 members and 38 support groups
This is made more incredible then you consider that only 70,000 people are recognised to have a pituitary condition. However, with symptoms being similar to many other conditions pituitary problems can often be overlooked and misdiagnosed. This makes the Pituitary Foundations tasks even more special and difficult.
The Pituitary Foundation puts the patient first, offering support and information in so many ways. Diagnosis can be a long process with Doctors receiving minimal amounts of training in this area.
Jay works tirelessly day in day out to organise such great fundraising events. Not only does he organise but he joins in and not just for the fun and achievement but to raise money for the charity for which he works. A truly amazing feet and he has his own pituitary conditions to look after.
Pat is extremely busy creating amazing publications and gave her free time to help me with her incredible graphic design skills in order to help me produce my own publication for children with endocrine problems.
So if you have a pituitary condition and you need anything at all, just get in touch. Take whatever medium is right for you. Texting is a great way to get a simple question answered. The publications will allow you the time to read about your condition and call the helpline to help with anything you don’t understand. Perhaps you are confident with your condition, join a support group or become a volunteer. Whatever you choose and for whatever you need to get in touch and I promise you won’t be disappointed.
I am proud to be a part of the volunteering team however small my contribution is in comparison to others. Volunteers are encouraged to meet and chat together, to support each other as well as helping others. With a registered 140 volunteers Sian does an amazing job at keeping us up to date as Rosa did before her. The foundation work closely with other connected groups and organisations such as the rare disease foundation and the Addison’s Self Help Group.
You may know them as the Pituitary Foundation but they are a family working as one, forging ahead like an army regiment.
I have so much admiration for this small, driven and focused team who really are like superhero’s and thats why in this blog I have decided to term them as The Invincible’s pushing for research, raising awareness that will support us all on our journey through pituitary conditions. You really couldn’t ask for anything more.