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The Wheels Are Turning Too Fast


Right now I am not ashamed to say that mentally my health is poor. That’s what we are supposed to do isn’t it? Talk about it? Share our emotions, bringing problems to the surface before they decline into un-chartered waters.

Now the world is suddenly opening up and I can’t keep up. I’m scared, frustrated, worried - what will it be like? Everything seems to have changed overnight and keeping my head above the surface as we face numerous new charts, confusing guidelines and additional criteria to meet.

We need to arm ourselves and prepare for our new normal, considering all the additional health decisions that we need to make.

Please join me on my journey back into an uncertain world as I aim to open up like never before.................

Writing is cathartic for me and this blog is more my thoughts and feelings as they enter my head with the trust of some websites and strategy implementation, along with what I hope to be useful links, research and through provoking insights.

It may become a tad ‘sketchy’ and ‘repetitive’ in places but that’s really what it is. It’s therapy for me and I’m taking a huge jump to actually speak out like this. It’s tough to write it but harder to share and I have contemplated about posting or not posting more times than you can imagine. Therefore I hope that you approach reading this, ‘insider’ information if you like - the way my brain thinks, which is not ‘normal’ for me but completely different. Not be mention the research and publication links littered across the text! As well as some bonus ones at the bottom!

So let us begin……………..

Everything seems to have changed overnight and keeping my head above the surface as we face numerous new charts, confusing guidelines and additional criteria to meet. The speed that everything is posted. One minute we stay home, the next we can go shopping but ‘shielders’ need to remain home! Then there are ‘bubbles’ and shops opening and social distancing rules being assessed - no wonder we are in a confused state…

I’m not ready to go back out again yet - it’s not safe, the virus is still there, the infection rate bubbling just below 1 and still too many deaths and new cases for me to become confident to go far. The Pituitary Foundation have provided so much help, support and advice through this pandemic and I don’t know what we would do without them! Follow this link pay special attention to the new NHS card and the ‘Get Red Flagged’ Information as well as practical day to day care advice.

Hours of painstakingly creating a plan that works for lockdown and now it’s back to square 1! The juggling of how much time things take and scheduling to allow extra time for tasks to take away the stress and pressure although, I still seem to rush around being in certain places giving me control which is where the problem now lies. Learning new strategies, learning what my body and mind can manage and balancing that. But now? Where in this world do I venture to and how? The analysis and thoughts that have gone into my daily plan are now looking doomed for the scrapheap.

Added to this the last few weeks I have felt swamped like I’m on thick sinking sand being pulled down by memories of the past and things that were done to me and probably shaped ‘me’ into the person I am now. Too much pressure, not the time and helping others erupts into my downfall every time. Not again, I need to look after myself first. In trying to help you all through the COVID-19 pandemic I’ve neglected my own coping strategies and my mental health has dipped.

For those with underlying medical conditions, disabilities, mental health conditions and learning difficulties the pressure and feel of the new founded world is going to take time and I’m preparing for that. However, there is also the consideration and factoring in of my carers new ‘world’ as well and we are definitely at different stages right now. By the looks of the news last night as shops open up it looks as if a shopping trip that could have included three or four shops and a tea / cake break on pace may now be the equivalent of one shop, two at most and a take away drink sipped in the car before the departure home!

As we talk about ‘journey’s’ a particular publication come to mind that could really help us. Aimed at people who have just been diagnosed with Pituitary Conditions but some great ideas and in theory we are starting from scratch. This link takes us through the stages that we are facing as until out there how to we know how we will react?

What resonates is the fact that this is what we are all doing right now. Sure this is targeted information towards Pituitary patients but it has relevance to every single person affected by this pandemic. Just that we follow our own pathways. I particularly like the process they follow and way they lead through fear, loss, coping mechanisms and great visual charts showing how thoughts, emotions and behaviours affect us as we move through the process of management of our all round health and well being.

My only imagery of the outside world and social distancing comes from three ‘drives’, picking up the boarded windows, the queues outside shops, the rainbows in windows, the marks on the bus windows and the masks. That added to what my amazing carer has told me through my many questions as she moves forward into the unknown on a grander scale.

I almost don’t want to come out of lockdown. Perhaps you share that view as well?

All of a sudden the swimming pool opening timeline of the 4th July has been released, the date I have been waiting for for so long but now it terrifies me! This is my mental health therapy. It’s coming up fast, will I be ready? How will it work? There is no way to visualise or adopt the ‘Mind Meditation’ techniques. But a great resource still to introduce you to some meditation, stress release and support your journey out of this battle. (Mind Charity

Tips for how social distancing can be enforced in a swimming pool, that’s not something that anyone can help me with. Never been done before. Carer shares the same concerns with me over swimming, always there on poolside beside me, counting lengths and checking off my sets whilst harbouring my emergency medical shock pack if needed, will this still be allowed? Despite finding a ‘guide’, well ,actually 5 guides as to what to expect through Swim England (link below) that isn’t going to give me a complete picture but it may help. So perhaps the meditation from Mind will now work bit!

I guess right now it’s ok to feel in secure, I know a lot of people will be feeling the same. This has to be expected and accepted as part of our ‘roadmaps’. and not at the speed of the Government’s Roadmap. Having some happy times at home may help us lighten the load every now and then and what better way than to check in with Action For happiness! One of the ideas on the June calendar is to ‘see the upside in a difficult situation you can learn from’. That really sums up where we are right now!

There are some definite ‘positives’ coming out of lockdown and these need to be continued. Small changes, positive baby steps and realistic goals are going to be vital and being strict with myself to make sure that I don’t loose control of what is working well for me right now. Planning and pacing and creative activities need to be maintained. Looking after my health and well being and analysing through my logs. Using trial and error, knowing my limits.

There are new strategies I have adopted, my meticulous planning and pacing, the yoga and guided tours of the garden. Limited social media time, the smaller amount of emails to read and the desire to unsubscribe from newsletters that I am anticipating as stores and companies return to production and delivery.

Equally important is the element of control and timings for both me and carer. Structure of meals, check in’s, craft, ‘chill ax’ and new exercise regimes we both need to keep together, but now she is ready to jump straight into shopping! The thing she has missed the most! This in a way is good for me as she can then ‘paint’ a picture for me for when I am ready to embark on a shopping trip through the baracade of questions I can ask! But it’s by far too bigger jump for me right now.

Suddenly COVID-19 is getting less press time and a significant issue for any mental health issues and for me living with psychosis is telling whats real and what isn’t, so watching the daily Government Broadcast has now been engrained in my brain and on my daily schedule to be informed but not too much to bear and followed up with the GOV.UK daily email with guidance which have been staples in my day. But how much longer will they run for?

Being informed and keeping up to date with the news is something which I have actually enjoyed and want to stick to. The current broadcast, BBC headlines in the morning and evening headlines on sky news all need to remain. They are a connection to the outside world. Trusted channels but when the 5pm broadcasts cease there is Channel 5 News to revert back to. Or perhaps stay with a more factual channel to watch? If you read the TV blog then documentaries and general interest programmes have been introduced. This has been a huge bonus of lockdown.We have found and enjoyed countless episodes of Escape to The Chateau, Ben Fogle’s new lives, train journey’s and wildlife programmes, Dance Moms, Bake off's and Grand designs! Interesting and learning. Something to be kept, some happy memories watching great programmes with someone special.

However, our timelines to the outside world can be long, we have more to overcome, more to challenge and to loose. Living with a potentially life threatening condition and / or mental / learning disabilities puts us more at risk and to see the rate of spread and the amount of new lists and charts and contradicting statements from the Government within our community. Those of us in the middle ground seem to have been forgotten.‘Shielders’, have a huge flight to make from where there have been and could potentially be the worst affected mentally and physically when they can finally move a step forward.

It’s important that we continue to learn about the attitudes and behaviours we are experiencing and utilise excellent targeted resources. We are Undefeatables have stepped up with a study which highlighted that;’ ‘Participants have told us they are feeling worried, vulnerable and confused as government guidance changes. Some are struggling to find motivation and adapt their activity habits at home’ (

Following this they have produced a range of support documents. To access just follow the link below. Once registered head to the supporters hub and you will find the research insights in detail and the other documents in Assets, like a great poster 15 activity ideas included, and a great leaflet with an exercise planner and a range of inspirational stories for ideas. Some great ways to get you moving and of course the COVID-19 FAQ’s. Enjoy!

I genuinely hope that by opening up my thoughts and seeing what I am facing will help you to do the same with the people that you love. As mentioned above and below in the links section there are people there to support us through this pandemic in a slow, calm and measured way. Find your own path and not that of someone else’s. You have more to loose. Health and well being has to be paramount.

Stay active, stay mentally aware, look after your health and stay safe.

So here are there some additional links that you might find helpful this week! Plus a sneaky peek of what’s to come next week!

Active 10 - NHS Programme

Don’t think that exercise has to be done quickly. If you haven’t been able to exercise during lockdown and don’t feel up to getting to your class right away this active 10 at home project may be a great stepping stone for you to follow on.

Active Essex

Don’t think you have to charge back to your old exercise classes there is still plenty of content for you to access whilst preparing to venture out again. There are some great ideas here from Active Essex. Their weekly programme also includes simple activities you can do throughout the day to build up to 30 minutes which connects nicely to the 30/30 project below.

Follow the link below and sign up to the newsletter. You’ll receive all the weekly activity sheet including ideas for the 30/30 challenge and the live website sessions that are also aired on the You Tube page and so can be re-visited at any time that suits you! Look out for the Monday Calendars with all the information you need and even set reminders for classes you want to complete ‘live’.

Action For Happiness

This looks like a fantastic resource by a group called Action For Happiness and it is what it says ‘all things happy!’ The Pituitary Foundation shared it on facebook with the June Calendar as mentioned above and think it’s a brilliant idea. Something to look into at these difficult times.

The Word Wheel - Sport and Exercise Psychology for returning to clubs & Activities

With’ lockdown’ allowing more sports and activity classes to resume over the coming weeks the health and well being of coaches, instructors, carers and of course participants needs to be supported. Some will struggle and some will just transition back without a second thought.

Bearing this in mind can you guess how many emotions a human can experience? Do you really understand what your participants are feeling right now? Do you as a coach or instructor or carer have a method to give your participants to enable them to express themselves to you so that they can make that transition as easily and as smoothly as possible?

‘Can you guess how many emotions a human can experience?

How will this influence what we are now facing?

Come back next week and find out!



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