With dark mornings, shorter days with less sunshine and cold wet weather seeping through our aching bodies, it can be hard to find the motivation to continue exercising, especially if your main activity is normally outside. Then imagine having an LTHC (Long Term Health Condition) or Disability. This can be even more challenging. So this is pure and simply some winter motivation including;
The facts-you aren’t alone!
Some Top Tips to manage Health & Well Being
Motivational Programmes and Activities Available to support you.
Let’s put things into perspective, acknowledge the troubles we face and then find some encouraging words to keep moving forward through difficult times. Sport & Exercise could be a real comfort with the Governments Christmas Rules in place.
It’s very prevalent that Disabled People and those who have serious health conditions that don’t classify as ‘shielding’ and those who are shielders seem to be the forgotten group and this study highlights that;
Disabled People Left Behind in COVID Fight report the fact that;
‘Campaigners have warned that disabled lives are being ‘forgotten’ after polling revealed that 65 per cent of respondents felt their rights had been negatively affected by Covid-19’
The report by Mary Bulman, Social Affairs Correspondent For The Independent, also highlights difficulties with getting out and about, accessing basic care, the closing of public toilets and issues with medication.
The results of an RDSi survey through an Online Community study running from April to August showed that;
’45% of those say that they worry about leaving the house to do exercise or be active’.
So the research confirms that those with long term medical conditions (LTHC’s) can find exercise and sport hard to access normally but the winter provides additional challenges. For example, cold winds can be a problem for those with lung conditions and conditions like Diabetes Insipidus can mean that a rush to public toilets could be needed and many had remained closed. COVID Content From We Are Undefeatables is really helpful and supportive with some great advice.
The most crucial thing we need to do is try and reverse these barriers, fear reservations so we get active. The best preparation you can establish the more effective this will be. Starting points include;
Being well informed and ensuring you are in contact with the relevant charity that supports your needs is vital. All will be posting regular updates on helping you to feel safe and well and precautions that you may need to apply.
Make sure you know your condition inside out and how to manage it effectively.
Make any changes you need to your medication.
If you are having any trouble collecting medication ask the pharmacy to deliver it or use pharmacy2u.co.uk who will safely deliver through Royal Mail.
Discuss anything that concerns you with your GP or Hospital Consultant.
Ensure that you have extra mediation for over the Christmas Period
Make sure your flu vaccination has been done and watch out for your turn when that crucial vaccine becomes available.
Take some Vitamin D supplements especially if you are home more often. Shown to replace the ‘sunshine’ and early discussions that it can help with COVID-19.
Reaching out and admitting you have a problem is another, especially if you have been isolating/shielding for a significant amount of time.
Staying up to date with Government Guidelines at gov.UK and local councils are also a priority.
Download the COVID app and ensure you have your phone with you whenever you are out and the proper alerts should you come in contact with someone that has the coronavirus.
Download the COVID app and ensure you have your phone with you whenever you are out and the proper alerts should you come in contact with someone that has the coronavirus.
These simple steps can help you feel more confident when going out and more importantly when you are exercising. This can be at home or outside. The benefit to your health and fitness will be the same no matter what pathway you choose to follow and find more comfortable. Once that’s all taken care of then have a look at some of these opportunities which are easily accessible and supportive to help you stay active. What tier your local area is in will obviously have an impact on what you can and cannot do but participants and coaches/instructors will all be able to find something below that can keep you moving!
So many motivational and supportive materials are available that range from the most basic of programmes for severely disabled people, right up to high level sporting activities. With all the video content and National Campaigns it can be difficult to know what is best for you. Here we have selected a variety of programmes that are well researched, recommended and safe to access.
So many motivational and supportive materials are available that range from the most basic of programmes for severely disabled people, right up to high-level sporting activities. With all the video content and National Campaigns, it can be difficult to know what is best for you. Here we have selected a variety of programmes that are well researched, recommended and safe to access.
Sport England is an organisation that aims to build an Active Nation. Through in-depth research and data collection, they provide us with a full range of resources that be can be used safely and effectively knowing that they have scientific research behind them.
The Sport England Autumn & Winter Toolkit explains that Physical activity delivers immediate mental health and social benefits while having a long-term positive impact on our physical health. Getting active in the way that’s right for you and planning how you’re going to keep going through the colder, darker months will help us cope with the ongoing impact of coronavirus restrictions. The Autumn and Winter Activity Toolkit, curated by Sport England and regularly updated, will make it easier for anyone trying to help their communities find the locally relevant tools, advice and information they need to get and keep moving and arming participants to find exercise to keep them, going as well. Find out more on the Sport England Website.
Join The Movement has a great way to get you started! With top tips on getting started, where to get support and an activity finder.
Sport England Club Matters is a great site for coaches and clubs to support you through the pandemic and remain in touch with your team, players, keeping your business going with financial advice and a toolkit to support the re-opening of your club where COVID-19 allows.
An important campaign to come out of Sport England is We Are Undefeatables. Working with numerous Health Organisations across the country to promote and provide accessible exercise and sports resources. One success story is the creation of
An important campaign to come out of Sport England is We Are Undefeatables. Working with numerous Health Organisations across the country to promote and provide accessible exercise and sports resources. One success story is the creation of Zoom Groups in both walking football and a virtual dance team all made up of participants with at least one long term health condition. The link shows how you can get involved in such an opportunity or to get one started yourself! It has been really successful as they inspire each other and enjoy the social aspect as well as the physical.
Another initiative that just keeps being improved is Ways To Move - Five In Five which involves a series of exercise cards with the goal as in the titles is to complete five activities for one minute each. The YouTube Channel has a huge variety of activities that you can complete at home. Perfect for a wintery day and they vary in length and intensity. Some are targeted at certain medical conditions but they are of great value to anyone.
Active Essex & The Active Essex All Together Ambassador Programme
Each week Active Essex provides a comprehensive programme of exercise classes online. The timetable appears every Sunday on the Facebook and Twitter Page and via the Active Essex Website .You can also access all the sessions on the YouTube Channel. There are now over 250 to choose from!
If that’s not enough then sign up and have a read of The Pulse, Active Essex Newsletter which appears every other week is packed full of insights, motivational stories, programmes and activity ideas.
The Active Essex All Together Page can be accessed here. You’ll find all the information you need that is targeted towards those with LTHC’s and Disabilities. You can also follow the Facebook Page where the Disability Ambassadors share their stories and help you to access the activities available to you. The range covers activity finders, courses for coaches, funding opportunities and even the chance to sign up to be ambassador yourself!
10 Minutes a Day
10 Minutes A day! is a short and easy ten-minute routine get you up moving and stretching in three simple steps;
Listen to 10 Today on Radio or online
Watch 10 Today Video online
Keep in touch on social media
Their goals are to help you feel better, have fun, keep moving and improve your health and their target audience is the older generation which is fantastic. Many will still have a radio to hand so do your bit to help someone vulnerable to get moving this winter! For the ‘silver surfers’ just sign up and enjoy!
Sport For Confidence
Sport for Confidence ‘is a unique, award-winning pioneering organisation, driving the provision of inclusive sporting opportunities in mainstream leisure facilities. People come to Sport for Confidence sessions to experience the physical, mental and social benefits of activity and exercise, all sessions are active, fun and accessible’. (https://www.sportforconfidence.com)
Working alongside Essex County Councils’s Active Essex programme Stay Connected offers a wealth of opportunities to enable participants to stay active including seated workouts, exercise circuits, sport at home and stretching ideas. There are plenty of opportunities available on Zoom. Sessions are running at centres where possible and you can choose your leisure centre and print yourself a flyer on the What's On Page. Sessions cost just £3 and you will have a great selection from Fun Fitness to Dance, Boccia and Multi-sports. If you know someone that would be helped by this then ensure to print them a flyer! There is something here for everyone but targeted especially for those with disabilities and or learning disabilities.
You can sign up for the newsletter here.
The Walk & Push Programme from Wheelpower is essentially a fundraising event which is free to enter. Raise just £15 or make a donation of that value and you’ll get a special T-Shirt to wear during the challenge. There's a great poster that you can download here to help promote this great initiative for a charity that has been transforming the lives of thousands of disabled children and adults for 16 years. Every pound raised helps them to continue vital work at Stoke Mandeville Stadium to provide opportunities for accessible sport and rehabilitation for injured adults. This year has seen them lose 50% of their normal income, so now the challenge! You have the whole of January to complete the selected event and you can set whatever distance that you wish to. Whether you want to push for 1 mile, walk 20 miles over a week, or walk 1 mile a day for the whole month it’s your choice.
Cirque Du Soleil
Cirque Du Soleil is one of favourites here at Time To Heal. This is the largest contemporary circus in the world, based in Montreal. They have numerous shows packed with acrobatics, dare devil routines, ingenious acrobats, clowns and all to the backdrop of amazing live music. Founded on 16 June 1984, Baie-Saint-Paul, Canada they have a range of touring events and those based in certain venues around the world.
is one of the f is one of the favourites here at Time To Heal. This is the largest contemporary circus in the world, based in Montreal. They have numerous shows packed with acrobatics, daredevil routines, ingenious acrobats, clowns and all to the backdrop of amazing live music. Founded on 16 June 1984, Baie-Saint-Paul, Canada they have a range of touring events and those based in certain venues around the world.
Throughout the pandemic, they have produced Cirque Connect to great effect allowing followers to access behind the scenes videos, montages of best tumbling, trampolining, contortion, clowning and now exercise routines and activities. Added to that they have a full range of workouts delivered by Cirque Performers. There is something for every level including children’s activities. Why not watch some show highlights instead of the repeats on TV to get you motivated, try some of the activities and plan a visit to a show once the pandemic is over and the proper shows begin. The videos are amazing but seeing it live is something else! You can access all of this on their Youtube Channel. From Yoga to artistry to intense core workouts and all for free!
Race At Your Pace
The revitalised website is something of an Aladdin's cave! The more you look the more content you find. The they were awarded the honour of best ‘Virtual Race Programme’ with their Running and Walking events. Now there is so much more on offer. You can enter steps challenges which start at 1,000 steps in a month or enter the Bike, Swim, Run events where you can get distances from 2 miles right up to 600 miles! The cost is £10 per month and that includes your medal and certificate with a reduced price of £7 for children. Also included are all the updates, motivational emails, trackers, they have ‘club kit’ for all of the events and an online Strada Cycling Club. You’ll get motivational messages and tips via email and from the Facebook page, plus a newsletter you can sign up to.
The revitalised website is something of an Aladdins cave! The more you look the more content you find. The blog is a great place to visit with interesting posts that can help you get started with tips on all the sports and activities for the challenges, links to other sites and apps you can download to help monitor your chosen steps or miles. You will be encouraged to enter the following month so you can set your goals early, knowing where you are at for the current month. You can also change your distance during the month if you need to. Stick at it every month and you get a personalised Loyalty Medal at the end of the year.
Children can be included as well with special challenges for them and great tracking sheets they can colour as they go along. Bit like paint by numbers but it’s more colour by the distance moved! Then once complete imagine the smiley face you’re going to get when the medal lands on the doorstep! A great way to instil exercise habits and quality time together with family..
Children can be included as well with special challenges for them and great tracking sheets they can colour as they go along. Bit like paint by numbers but it’s more colour by distance moved!Then once complete imagine the smiley face you’re going to get when the medal lands on the doorstep! A great way to instil exercise habits and quality time together with family.
This is a very similar programme to Race For Pace but if you love a bit of Marvel then this is for you? Big Kid at heart or looking for something for you and your children to participate in together? The Superheroes Series has plenty of options for you. You may have seen last weeks blog with the Incredible Essex All Together Team Effort. If not you can view it here. This one comes with a cost too and you’ll need to channel your efforts into costume design as well as actually getting active so it is much more family-oriented.
Sadly the Winter Wonder Wheels challenge has now ended along with the Superheroes Sensory which was for the severely disabled and is a truly inspirational programme created with the charity ‘Strong Bones’. Based around the senses this could easily be used for the Race At Your Pace steps or kilometre challenges. It involves bursting bubbles, identifying smells and sounds by pointing at them, identifying objects through touch alone and recognising the sound of certain things. Each correct answer then turns into a step or kilometre!
There is also another challenge that you can enter called the Superhero Tri 2021 again powered by Marvel. It will be taking place on the 14th Aug at Dorney Lake, Windsor and has the standard Triathlon Events at different distances. There are three options on offer at this event;
Team - at least one person must be disabled.
Sidekick - this involves a trusted and strong sidekick to push/pull the disabled person around!
Solo - you must have a disability.
Prices range from £40-60 so you need to be really committed! You can bring a ‘sidekick’ to help push/guide at an additional cost of £5 each. Finisher medals, t-shirts and kit bags are included. This event is extremely accessible and enables anyone with a disability to be apart of something special and don’t forget the superhero costumes are mandatory!
Children’s Swimming
While children are missing out on their swimming lessons take the opportunity to teach them about water safety, swimming terms and spotting danger. Swim England have produced 20 worksheets to keep your child on track and motivated for their lessons when pools re-open.Home School Swimming Activities . They may already be open and back by the time you read this depending on your location but with a clear understanding of the vital life skill and the ability to connect with the coach/instructor using the correct terminology, this will aid progress and depth of knowledge.
Now we have reached the finish line! The programmes above are just scrapping the surface of opportunities out there and the range that there is to offer. We are literally spoilt for choice and so really no excuse not to get up and get moving this Winter.
Stay well, Stay Safe and enjoy the Festive Period in a safe and different way this year. Make the most of what you can and build some special memories with family and friends, even if that does mean via technology, every minute counts.
We wish you well and will see you back fresh in 2021!
Look out for this on 10th January!
First to hit will be; challenges! For this, we take a ride up and down a Snakes and Ladders board of New Year’s Dance and Cycling, with a few more handy hints on the top Challenges and Events for 2021.