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A Little Bit Of Disney Magic At Christmas!


As we fast approach the Festive Season and family and friends are looking to celebrate on a grander scale than last, fear, worry, stress and anxiety may be felt by the millions out there with LTHC’s and Disabilities.

Into Disney? It’s not always about Mickey and Minnie Mouse, although they may well be your first thoughts depending on your age criteria! What we can do is learn from the way that Disney World have adapted and evolved through the pandemic.

Their celebration of Disney Worlds 50th Anniversary is being extended over an 18 month period starting from October 2021. Enabling many more guests to experience these celebrations whilst COVID restrictions are still in place. They may not be celebrating Christmas as normal but magical adventures are there to behold, special effects, celebratory drinks and cakes, lighting of the iconic centre pieces of each park, spectacular new rides, amazing hotels and of course great food and, plenty of it are a given.

Possibly what many are looking forward to this year wherever you choose to be in the world now that option is open again!

The Fear Factor

BUT! How things can change! The Health Secretary announces COVID cases could reach a staggering 100,000 a day, now a new strain of the disease. The mandatory face covers in shops and on transport are back. Now a Government Broadcast ahead of the planned date. Plan B is back in place! Will celebrations be cut short or do you even want to celebrate this year? What will travel look like by the time we get there? New rules in place again here! What isolation restrictions may be applied? We are waiting on the science, still the possibility of a normal Christmas? Loss of control and additional stress to bare.

For many these announcements ignite nothing but fear and anxiety. Those with LTHC’s and Disabilities are the vulnerable’s and could we be putting them at risk by allowing, planning and having extravagant celebrations? Are we putting them under pressure to conform to what family and friends view as the ‘best options’ and expectations placed on heads of people who would rather be safe, have a small gathering, meet up somewhere where there is plenty of fresh air (even if the weather is turning colder) or make do with FaceTime and other social media platforms?

How about we take the lead of Disney and explore a range of levels of celebration. One thing that will be crucial here is that of communication. No one should be forced into a decision by others and everyone’s fears and concerns should be considered. Assuming is not the greatest thing, nor are language such as of course you want to be with us all, or it’ll make you feel so much better! Get the idea?

Reassurance & Staying Safe

Disney world in Florida has really taken on a new look and its not just the 50 golden characters to search for, the amazing light up decorations bestowed upon the iconic symbols at each park, the spectacular fireworks and the 50th Anniversary drinks and treats. Now you have to book everything in advance! Even with a 2 week pass for the parks you still have to book entry to your chosen park before you go! Using a special app dining, park entry and even special experiences can now be booked for up to 60 days ahead!

So what you used to be able to do was turn up where you wanted, line up for whatever was there in a spontaneous way has been snatched away. But that doesn’t have to mean that the experience is any less amazing, instead it means meticulous planning which in hindsight may actually improve your experience. It forces visitors to utilise all that Disney offer in planning and preparation. Highlights all the rides and shows, park maps, endless menu’s to scroll though and types of transport to whisk you from one place to another. This means you won’t miss a thing! Plus you can rock up at your favourite eatery to collect your takeaway or have your table service ready to begin, meaning more time for fun! There are even suggested programmes and a new Disney Genie Service that plans your day according to your preferences in dining, attractions, shops and shows!

Whilst we don’t have that long until Christmas it’s unlikely our celebrations will meet the needs or organisation required from this professional outlet. What we can do is take some of their guidance and fit it into our own lives. Returning To a World Of Magic is an amazing support mechanism for visitors. It includes topics like Face Coverings, cleanliness and sanitation, reservations and innovative technology.

Coping With Psychological Stress When You Have a LTHC

Coping With Psychological Stress is or has been an issue for all through the pandemic, but when you have a LTHC it can be amplified. So finding coping mechanisms can be difficult. Taking solace and thought from others who are prepared to share their load can really help. In this article Dr Alessandro Prete, Consultant Endocrinologist at Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, UK talks in collaboration with the Addisons Disease Self Help Group to discuss how additional medication may be required when someone is under psychological stress along with some support in showing how to reduce stress to aid your well-being.

This article highlights the extra demands placed on the body in situations that we may find immense pleasure in. The opportunity to sit around the dinner table with your whole family on Christmas Day can leave people with feelings of joy, sadness, happiness or despair. For some the wrong choice may cause regrets, bad health and fear. The effort and extra energy utilised can cause us to miss symptoms and pay the price later as the article explains through the eyes of an Addison’s sufferer who had a fantastic holiday with others only to pay the price with poor health afterwards once cortisol levels had been depleted.

So How Can We Cope This Christmas?

  • By doing What feels comfortable to you.

  • Not feeling bad about having some breaks and time to yourself to see how you are feeling/rest for a while.

  • Use pacing strategies and timetables.

  • Try to keep some structure and eat at the same times(especially if you need medication with your food)

  • Make sure you have those phone reminders on so medication times aren’t missed.

  • Plan so that you see family on alternate days where possible so your body can recover a bit.

  • After a busy day add some relaxation in. A hot bubble bath, some yoga or a soothing face mask could work wonders!

  • Ensure you have your flu jab, COVID Booster and Vaccines and encourage those you spend time with to do the same.

  • Have a batch of Rapid-Flow tests to ensure early detection of COVID within the family.

Another way is to try something a little different…..

A little bit of Disney Magic For Christmas?

Now how about a bit of fairytale magic to help you through Christmas? Join in the fun, without the travel involved and give yourself a chance to enjoy something new, aid recovery, something that can be shared in person or over the waves.

There are always a pick of Disney films to digest over the Festive Period so why not follow this up with Disney junior workouts in conjunction with the This Girl Can Programme which shows you some great moves to your favourite Disney songs. Watch others or all join in.

If you love to draw yourself there are some great DIsney Animation Videos that anyone can try or just need a break? A bit of peace and quiet to digest. With 44 characters to try there’s something for everyone!

Once Upon A time…

Drawn To Life is the latest in a long line of Cirque Du Soleil shows, but the first in connection with Disney! Venture through the creative studio where you’ll find information about the show, can marvel over the acrobatics in training and peek behind a world of animation, costume design and make up. Follow Cirque Du Soleil on the Facebook Page for some great videos that give you a view inside the creation of this incredible show.

Have A Good Christmas

We may have focused on Disney here but this is just one example of a way to look at managing a highly challenging time of the year.

Whatever you do, enjoy, indulge, survive, be healthy and happy. We’ll see you in the new year!

Disney World - 50th Anniversary Celebrations

Disney Genie Service

Disney World - Returning To A World Of Magic

Addison’s Disease Self Help Group - Coping With Psychological Stress

This Girl Can Activities

Disney World - Official Animation Playlist

Cirque Du Soleil - Drawn To Life

Cirque Du Soleil - Facebook Page


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