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Happy Brain Chemicals*Four chemicals that can lead us to happiness.


Supporting those with LTHCs through movement and exercise.

When looking at happiness, dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin and endorphins are the key chemicals needed. We look at: how brain chemicals work, the role they play in everyday lives, and how to get your daily supply through movement, sport and exercise. All naturally occurring and free to access.

In Part one we introduced the role these hormones play. The signs to look for if you are low. Some simple tips to help restock. (You can read it here: In Part two we look at how to activate the chemicals through movement and activity.

The combination of the chemicals can be referred to as the: reward (dopamine), love (oxytocin), mood (serotonin) and pain killer (endorphins) and are commonly referred to as D.O.S.E.

So those endorphins stand out to us with chronic pain. The need for mood stabilisers with the cost of living pressures. Love is what we all want to feel. The reward? That depends on what you are trying to achieve, where and for what reason.

Can we obtain what we need through movement and exercise alone?

In short — Yes! Referring to The Hypermobility Associations' daily chart we have some simple options.

For dopamine, simple movements such as ensuring we stand up and down a few times or walk around the house will suffice. Lucky to have a pet? Upgrade sitting and having a cuddle — (which will help as well)— to walking together or a game of catch in the garden and you’ll hit your oxytocin target.

If it’s serotonin then any form of exercise can be chosen. Walking, cycling and swimming are adaptable to different levels and easy to access. Best done outside if possible to add the sunshine element.

Endorphins can be captured by taking a break to stretch a little. Perhaps a few yoga moves. Pilates to prevent muscle spasms and general aches and pains.

What exercise and sports opportunities are available?

If you want to get those exercise goals moving but the cost of living prevents you from accessing proper clubs and sessions then you do have options. A benefit of the pandemic is the online exercise class videos that remain.

Not able to access these either? Libraries are full of exercise books and stock DVDs you can loan. Some even have sports equipment you can borrow. So worth a check in your local area!

Local leisure centres provide reduced-cost memberships for those who are disabled or on low incomes. Local councils are great contacts. Adult outdoor gyms are evolving and free to access. Many have programmes to loan or support people to access bikes for free.

Park run events are also free. Head along and you are likely to meet coaches and fellow walkers and runners who can help you with proper programmes and even training buddies.

Something to be aware of.

Happy Feed has explored some different and interesting references and research into these chemicals. Founder, Matt Kandler has written Four Brain Chemicals That Make You Happy. Emotions are not easy to manage so conflicts can be damaging. He notes that although triggered naturally by our actions they can still become addictive.

Something as simple as the high achieved from a positive comment on your Instagram feed. Or the feeling you get from a workout. Craving that happy feeling in the same way other addictions occur.


Everyone's perception of happiness and the ingredients you put in will have a different outcome than anyone else. Personalisation is key and that’s the joy of this approach. Just tap in ‘happy Brain chemicals chart ’ on a Google image search and you’ll see what we mean! Pick your favourite. Get creative. Cut and paste. Make it your own! Here's hoping it brings a smile to your face even if it’s a momentary pleasure.

Happy Feed - Brain Chemical Can Make You Happy Blog

The Hypermobility Association - Your Daily D.O.S.E Chart and Blog

*Please remember that these blogs are very real to us. We are on the same journey. It’s tough, slow and frustrating. Most of the Scenarios we face ourselves. Sometimes we find what we print useful. Other times we don’t. It’s included because everyone's journey is different. We have passionate perseverance to help others. To dispose of all content would be a waste and a disservice to our readers.



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