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Happy Mother’s Day with a Twist or Two!


Updated: Aug 5, 2021

In this year so far we have truly celebrated the role of women in society through Women In Science Day, International Women’s Day and now of course the most iconic and to many the most important - Mother’s Day! A day that dates back to the 16 Century.

‘The official Mother's Day holiday (UK) arose in the 1900s as a result of the efforts of Anna Jarvis, daughter of Ann Reeves Jarvis. Following her mother's 1905 death, Anna Jarvis conceived of Mother's Day as a way of honouring the sacrifices mothers made for their children.(29 Apr 2011

According To Time and Date on this day families came together returning to home towns and villages, attending church services where they were Baptised and then Simnel cakes were enjoyed. An allowed lapse through the fasting of Lent. As time moved on customs evolved and young women working as servants were given a holiday on this Sunday allowing them to return home and taking with them a ‘hand me down’ gift from the employer or some food to enjoy This is where the idea of presents became the norm.

Fast forward to 2019 and the giving of more luxurious gifts, presents, meals out, streets adorned with the window displays, the adverts, the emails. Pampering treats, theatre trips, Children’s school cards and gifts gratefully received and cherished by so many.

Mother’s Day 2020 saw the UK head into lockdown giving us the first taste of a ‘celebratory day’ under strict rules and regulations imposed by the Government. Still some traditions maintained with the sending of flowers, chocolates and the gifts brought and made.

Fast forward to 2021 and once again a celebration conducted in an unusual way! Mainly through COVID restrictions in place but that’s not the only differences that we want to embrace.

Although we paint the road ‘pink’ we want to ensure that the reality is that Mother/Daughter and Mother’s day ‘pink’ aren’t always what we need - misconceptions we think. Recognising the fact that Mum’s can be times two, Mum’s can be two Dads. There may be no Mums at all. Families are no longer straight forward. Mums can be carers, daughters can be carers, Mum’s can have corona, Mums can have lost their children or lost a child and still have others, some may never get the chance to be a Mum.

Acceptance is key, but we won’t apologise for exploring the extraordinary bond that Mother and Daughter can have and the way this can be used to support each other both to good health, access to exercise and a great way to spend time together. Obviously this can easily be adapted to suit any family set up, even if you are on your own you can enjoy the activities that are below.

Plus what a great day to re-cap and look through the International Women’s website to show what women can and do achieve at all levels that have a significant impact not only on individuals lives but on those around us and even beyond our communities and into global issues. A time to be inspired and get you both/all thinking!

But there will be options here for everyone so let’s mix it up and see what’s out there! We really want to emphasis how this day can be a springboard into a much bigger journey, as we begin to move towards our new ‘normal’ no one is on their own and we don’t want anyone to be left behind. This could just be something positive that we can use to help us manage and adjust to the changing world.

Firstly, let’s get through the day your way!

For some you’ll want the indulgent spoiling to last for the entire week! For others you just want the day over for another year and so this is a slice of everything but in favour of the more traditional route. What we want to establish is something that can start today but lead on into the coming days, weeks, months and years. Something that strengthens that bond in a positive light by adopting healthy choices together and learning and having fun together no matter what day it is!

Morning Surprises

If you’ve woken to a traditional favourite of breakfast in bed delivered by little ones or not such little ones then good for you! What about future mornings? Want a leisurely start to your mornings which gets those endorphins rolling? Why not indulge in this NHS Pilates Session aimed at being done in your pyjamas! A great way for any women to get moving and why not have the daughters beside you, whether that be via the household or over social media whilst you have two devices running at once with the exercise platform and the social, day’s exercise complete, jump in the shower and all set for the day!

Disney Magic

Who doesn’t love a bit of Disney Sparkle? Disney isn’t just for the young but the young at heart! You only have to look at the diversity of people who (pre-covid) flock to either Paris or Florida in droves to be entertained, marvelled, dined and fascinated by the glorious stage shows, animation displays, high octane rides and great food which Disney World has to offer! So why not try out these great Dance videos at home and bring some Disney indoors. These Disney Workouts are a collaboration with the This Girl Can Movement (This is a programme we will focus on next week) and Disney itself. You can bop away quite happily to Jungle Book, Moana, The Little Mermaid and the Descendants.

You could even follow up with some regular 10 minute exercise activities that you can carry through for the weeks ahead as they transition back to school. These activities are the work of both the NHS Change For Life Programme and Disney comprises of Shake Up's. There are many different films to choose from depending on age group or preference like this set of seven Frozen inspired activities. Follow Sven’s Sleigh, play clapping games with Anna and keep your eye on Olaf!

Then what about some baking? Change for Life Recipes have that covered and another fun way to do something together. Not enough Disney Magic? Then how about some art therapy, get those mental health kicks in through The Disney Parks At home Artist Videos. Not to mention some fun, improvement of fine motor skills and a great way for your family to come together. So in one short section we have covered exercise, mental health, art therapy and nutrition. Sounds like the ideal package for a Mother to be satisfied she is supporting and nurturing her children to be healthy, happy children but also to have fun whilst doing it.

Cirque Du Soleil

Cirque Du Soleil is a Time To Heal favourite and has a long and interesting history. This company has French origins and currently boasts 1300 artists from 55 countries. The spectacular performers will mesmerise you with their stunning acrobatics, juggling skills, skating, comedy, live music and imaginative story telling. The Cirque Connect programme has been utilised a lot in our household! Missing the performances of this incredible entertainment company? This is another forward thinking organisation that have moved to ensure that fans from around the world can still access something incredible by utilising technology to bring a mix of;

  1. Cirque Me Out Exercise Programmes

  2. Behind The Scenes of many shows

  3. 60 Minute Specials showcasing best bits and fan favourites

  4. Masterclasses to show how the artists achieve such incredible feats

  5. Kids Programmes bringing theatre fun to their doorstep in an imaginative way

You can access the full content of these via the Cirque Connect link or the YouTube homepage depending on your preference. The exercise sessions are excellent and mostly delivered to you by cast members.You’ll gain a great insight into what they put their bodies through but also how strong they are as well as flexible and aerobically fit. There are dance workouts, yoga, strength and flexibility and full body sessions to choose from. Why not try some out and then spend an indulgent evening on the sofa with some treats and marvel at the different shows and skills of these masterful performers.

Children aren’t left out here either (or for the young at heart!)with The Big Top Academy, juggling skills and Netflix programmes.Then Cirque Up coming soon with the promise of make up, clothing sessions, how to be a performer and a designer page to turn bedrooms into circus arenas!

If you find this fascinating, enchanting and enjoyable then sign up to join Cirque’s Club here. Perhaps sit and plan a trip to see an actual event. Use the day to plan in some real Mother/Daughter bonding with a pampering trip, shopping and then a great show. Something to look forward to once things are allowed again. Perhaps even an overnight stay or short holiday with all those lockdown savings! With younger children use the history section and the planning of a trip as some geography. They may be back to school but a bit of fun looking together can’t hurt, especially if you enjoy learning and embracing new activities and hobbies. There really is something for everyone here and with such a wide spectrum of ideas and opportunities.

A few Quick Fixes to finish with!

Want something quick, easy, adaptable and reusable? Try this great word search with a difference, once again from the incredible This Girl Can Programme. You simply look at the square, find an exercise and then do it! Create your own little circuit using the words you find or just do one thing for 30-60 seconds and then rest till you’re ready to go again. Remember with exercise little and often is still great for you. You could even take it in turns to pick something for the Mother/Daughter to do and time them and switch over. Exercise too hard or easy? Then simply come up with your own charts or complete one for each other. At a really low level you could pick something like blinking an eye or turning you head to the side. Something quick, simple and easy to maintain.

Want something a bit longer lasting?Then how about the Action For Happiness Calendars. These operate on a Happier-Kinder-Together basis and incorporate Mindfulness activities that you can complete on each day of the month, so something else that’s great to start with young adults or even to help you connect if you are at a long distance from each other. You can smile knowing that you are each doing something to help your mental health, physical health and general happiness everyday of the year. A great bond to share and a good way to support each other especially if visits are off limits and video calling just isn’t enough. Plus it’s a great conversation starter, checking in on each other to make sure the tasks are done!

So whatever form your family takes then enjoy the day in the best way that you can and remember that if this is a tough day for you then just making it from morning till dusk is something that you can still be proud of. Utilising it to turn negatives into positives, thinking of things ahead and using it to be the start of a change in family life, leaving your feeling empowered and content.

However your day turns out we hope you enjoy it, take comfort in your achievements and end with the thought; that wasn’t so bad after all’

As always, stay safe, stay well and all the links you need are below… - Mother’s day History

Mothering Sunday - Time & Date

NHS Fitness Studio - Pyjama Pilates

This Girl Can - Disney Dance Workouts

Disney NHS 10 Minute Shake Ups!

Disney / Change For Life 10 Minute Disney Shake Up’s - Frozen

Disney Animation Artist Homepage

Change For Life Recipes

Cirque Connect

Cirque Du Soleil - History

Cirque Du Soleil - Cirque Me Out

Cirque Du Soleil - YouTube Channel

Cirque Connect - Join The Club

Action For Happiness - Monthly Calendars

Coming next week!

We continue on with ‘Women’s Month’ but focus in specifically on A Programme that has shown great success and momentum. Led by Women For Women let’s indulge in everything the ‘This Girl Can’ has to offer, after all;

No one gets to choose how you exercise other than you. Your body, your call. And whatever that looks like, we think it’s worth celebrating. This Girl Can, funded by The National Lottery, believes that there’s no “right” way to get active. However you jiggle, kick, lift, stretch, or sprint, it’s time to get moving how you damn please’. (

There will also be some more Mother/Daughter Partnerships but this time we will be more adult focused and aimed at getting moving in both traditional/non-traditional ways!


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