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Invisible Disabilities - Utilising Sport & Exercise


Over the last few weeks we have identified;

What an Invisible Disability/Illness is, Misconceptions, Recognition, Support Mechanisms and examples of Health Conditions that challenge perceptions. Followed by a Focus on Mental Health Conditions, their symptoms, misinterpretations and stigma.

You can catch up on Part One and Part Two by clicking the links.

In this final blog of the series we seek some support and accessibility to sport and exercise within our communities for those with Long Term Health Conditions and, Disabilities with a particular focus on those who have invisible illnesses.

How Sport & Exercise Can Help

According to the Rare Disease Day Programme Sport Can Be A Valuable Therapy in supporting those with a Rare disease and, many of these are invisible Illnesses. Being Rare means it’s not your average stand alone condition. Often it’s a combination of symptoms and conditions and of course the reason Rare Disease Day to exist is that these can go undetected or misunderstood. Just because it’s Rare doesn’t always make it invisible but it can feel like that to the people who have the conditions, or those who are taking a long and difficult road to diagnosis of a condition that can be disguised by other symptoms. Often misdiagnosis can cause this issue.

Barriers To Participation

In order to get people active, moving, supported and understood we need to knock down any barriers we can that are causing stress, worry or anxious feelings, which could be limiting engagement with community projects, clubs or exercise provision.

In their accessible training course Activity Alliance name three main areas of concern which need to be addressed; Physical(Health), Psychological (Fear of Judgement) and, Logistical(Access to buildings).This Inclusive Activity Programme E-learning course is provided for free through UK Coaching and is aimed at sports or exercise delivers, but also a good opportunity for participants. Looks in detail at the barriers in the three categories above with focus on those with LTHC’s/Disabilities, guidance for delivering exercise and sport and, downloadable resources that link well into our general theme.

Bridging Programmes

Before starting on a full out exercise and sport package it’s worth considering some programmes that can break you/others you are trying to support into exercise gently, build some confidence and then remove some of those horrible barriers.

  • Breaking Limits brought us by Sure Deodorant is an innovative programme that looks at The Power Of Movement. Using their great exposure on a National Scale through TV adverts backed up with a comprehensive support guide. Their goal quite simply is to overcome barriers and support people to move more. So, this quote might be what you are looking for;

We’re all a 'work in progress' and we’re building a community to help get you through that next mile, or maybe just around the block. We’re also partnering with some of the world’s most inspiring individuals and organisations, to give you the momentum you need to progress beyond your limits’. (

Struggling to get going on your own? You can get a Champion to mentor you. Select from the videos and access your own personalised plan. There are numerous invisible conditions called primary or secondary hyperhidrosis that cause excessive sweating. So if you’re worried about getting all hot and sweaty you can browse through the range of products available at the same time.

  • Sport For Confidence is a programme that looks at allowing people to access exercise and sport no matter what the barriers may be. Its’s a first step where you can be connected online, then progress if you wish to actual sessions. Then take a leap of you faith into an actual club and full exercise sessions or even things open to the general public, to do on their own our collectively. This What's On link shows what is happening in twelve different places. The full contact details for those who have opportunities in their area can be found on this Sport For Confidence Flyer To ensure your safety, before starting an Occupational Therapist will contact you to find out your individual needs. They will also inform your instructors. This in itself removes a barrier, as the communication from Occupational Therapist to instructor/coach means you can arrive/connect knowing your needs will be met and understood.

  • Superheroes on Vacation, supported by Channel 4 and delivered by Marvel have created the Tri-Series Programmes. Presented by Clare Balding you can get a real sense of the variety of activities on offer and the range of disabilities that can be incorporated. With virtual activities and programmes which can be stepping stones to getting into the community and then actual outdoor events. The key here is you need to be disabled to enter. So now is the time for all those invisibles to enter and show who is in charge! But if you need help then ‘side kicks’ all also welcome. Find out more by visiting The Superhero Series Events Page.

Simple Changes For Coaches/Instructors Through Education & Awareness Opportunities

There are great programmes of support that you can tap into for general awareness and some fantastic courses. Two examples are;

  • Hearing Impairments - The Finger alphabet from British Sign is a great place to start. Just learning how to sign a name or simple words will make those with hearing problems feel more welcome. This Vocabulary Sheet Creator allows you to create phrases and sentences. You can also play games and access online courses. Currently British Sign are requesting a ‘pay what you can’ fee in light of the COVID pandemic. Groups can learn with a minimum fee of £3 per person. So if you want to take the next step then now is a great time to do it.

  • Visual Impairments - On a basic level giving tours at quiet times, showing routes around the environment used, understanding what aids might be needed, like markings on the floor or positioning for an aerobics class could help.If you want to increase your knowledge then Coaching Those With A Visual Impairment is delivered through UK Coaching. Comprises of six modules with a cost of £16.99. It will give you a greater understanding of different sight loss conditions and show you simple ways to adapt your current provision using the STEP module.

  • Physical Health - An Introduction To Lifestyle Support is potentially valuable for everyone that you support/work with, but can also add an additional aid for those with LTHC’s. Although it is focused on supporting young athletes with their many commitments, the knowledge gained is easily transferable to the lives of people with LTHC’s in terms of pacing and lifestyle balance.

  • The Hidden Disabilities Campaign was discussed in Part One as a way to discreetly allow individuals to be recognised as having an invisible disability. There is also a How To Join section for groups and organisations. A small investment in adopting the Sunflower could really open up your sessions/groups etc to a whole range of different participants. There is full guidance through training, promotion, merchandise available and the location map. A great opportunity for forward thinking Businesses and Charities.

Positive Steps To Change

Through this series we have looked closely at various forms of invisible conditions and disabilities. Touched on Mental Health, looked at potential barriers and provided simple steps that participants/potential participants, and coaches/exercise professionals can be supported in order to enhance change. Through the advances that companies are making in not just selling products but promoting more widely the need for those products can only be a good thing. So do what you can; identify and accept the ‘invisible’, actively change your mindset and play your part in improving the lives of those within your local communities.


Rare Disease Community

Inclusive Activity Programme

Breaking Limits - Sure Deodorant

Sport For Confidence - What’s On

Sport For Confidence - Flyer

Superheroes Tri-Series

Superheroes - Upcoming Events & Programmes

British Sign - Finger Spelling Alphabet

British Sign - Vocabulary Sheet Creator

UK Coaching - Coaching Those With A visual Impairment

UK Coaching - Introduction To Lifestyle Support

Hidden Disabilities - How To Join


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