Activity Clubs v Sports Clubs
Aimed at those with Long Term Health Conditions (LTHCs) & Disabilities who fear attending sports clubs but want to be active and part of a club regularly. At home or out in the community via an activity club or virtual club that is not competitive. Improve health, well-being and mental health.
Thinking about a sports club? Concerned that competition is the main feature? Wanting to exercise but not sure where to get support? Not ready to venture out yet but need some motivation to help you get moving? A virtual platform, informal setting or sports-based club, with a non-competitive element could be the place where you can access what you want and need.
‘A club is an association of people united by a common interest or goal. There are clubs devoted to hobbies and sports, social activities, political and religious clubs, and so forth. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Club_(organization))
No mention of competition or a hierarchy. Many sports clubs do focus on the element of competition, but many cater for the needs of all. A club's focus may be recreational, instructional, competitive, or a combination of these activities. Based on its size, location, access to facilities and coaches/instructors.
Make Your Comeback
Make Your Comeback is a joint initiative between Strava and The Sport England Campaign, This Girl Can. It recognises that now and then, we all need to step back from being active. Accept that this is normal and part of everyone’s activity levels. When life gets in the way, moving and exercising can be the first thing cut from our day. Getting back out there can feel daunting. It’s all about making a comeback to exercise/sport after a break. So perfect for the post-pandemic return. Especially those classified as shielders and the vulnerable. Strava is the world’s leading platform for tracking physical activity and connecting people through the power of community. Sign Up to the Strava Club is free. You then have a few options and plenty of support!
Local Community Opportunity?
Park Run is a fantastic way to be a part of something special and is growing fast. With 1,131 events around the country! Registration is completely free and only needs to be done once. It’s a chance to be a part of an event every Saturday where a 5 km route is completed. Choose to walk, jog, run, volunteer or do a combination! Complete the free registration form. Print out your barcode and head down to your local event. To keep you safe you can get your Barcode printed onto a tag, band, ultra band or card. These items also carry all your medical details. Important for those with LTHCs and Disabilities. To remind you of good hydration you can even get your code on a water bottle. While there get yourself a T-shirt and feel part of a club! All levels are catered for.
Stepping Stones to Full Sports?
Interested in a sport but concerned you can’t keep up? What about Walking Netball or a Walking Football club? Still, the chance to be part of a team. Access a recognised sport but on a more gentle level. A great thing about walking football is that it is also a non-contact sport.
England Netball said that walking netball: “Can give those who feel isolated an outlet, provide an activity for those who do not deem themselves fit enough to run anymore and offer a stepping stone for those looking for a pathway back into netball’(.https://www.englandnetball.co.uk/play/walking-netball/)
The Choice is out there!
The BBC Give it a Go is a fantastic A-Z activity guide list with links where you can access clubs and session finders. Try something different like bowls, dodgeball or kite surfing. Or try something traditional like swimming, yoga or badminton.
Many sports and exercise activities can and have been made more accessible. Through adaptations of pace, rules, size of court space, level of intensity and the removal of serious competition. There has never been a greater opportunity to try something new. Be part of something special. But without the fear factor. The fact that sports clubs are all about competition is a myth we hope to have expelled.
This Girl Can
Park Run
Walking Netball
Walking Football
BBC - Give it a Go - A-Z List