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Learning As We Battle!


It’s very easy at the moment to see and think in a negative and unhealthy manner when the world is at war to conquer the battle against COVID-19, businesses are going under, the streets are empty and people are forced to stay inside. Our lives have been turned upside down. Who would have thought or imagined that we would be heading into a lethal war with the world all on the same side? The country being put on lock down by the Government and people being fined for socialising outside? Who would have thought the large companies would change their production lines to make medical equipment? Who would have thought that Nightingale hospitals could be constructed so quickly? Who would have thought that M&S would be donating pyjamas to nurses and doctors? We live in an amazing country and the way that the Government and other agencies have pulled together is nothing short of remarkable. Others may disagree but for us we are mesmerised by all the programmes and planning that has gone into the effort to support and protect. This is not something that could have been predicted and a huge learning curve has had to be undertaken. It was made more poignant by one of the daily broadcasts where a Military Officer stated that this was the biggest logistical situation that he had ever been a part of in an extremely long career. You only have to look at the daily daily newsletter to see the extent of the operation that is required. For a small country we can really pack a punch, come together, make our own sacrifices and trust in the government to pull everyone through. It’s not been an easy time for anyone on a personal level either but this time can be used constructively and by now hopefully people are starting to live the new norm and find they are adapting, which is exactly what we need to do. It’s trial and error even as we move into the 6th week, the days pass by in a blur - what day is it? What am I doing today? There are an array of opportunities but they can become overwhelming even though they are there to help us pass the time, but the longer this goes on the more difficult it could become. Once all the DIY is done, children have finished their school work, projects are completed, TV programmes cease into a blur of Corona Virus updates…. sounding familiar? So how can we turn this around and and get ourselves back in control of the situation and learn from it. Lessons that we may need to adopt for the rest of our lives. Some things we may actually want to continue with. Likewise we will have leant how important and special some things are to us that we are desperate to put back into our lives. Having muddled through over the last few weeks we have come to the conclusion that we need to fight this with a positive mindset. Clearly this will not happen the whole time but this sacrifice of hardship could actually be an opportunity to explore the world around us, learn new things and expand our vision and what’s actually important to us and what we no longer want or need. Is there something that you have always wanted to do? Taking an online course, no matter how basic, demanding or far reaching is a great way to use your time and can be easily incorporated into the timetable of your new schedule. If you love to exercise but normally can’t find the time then this is your chance to go for it. When was the last time you curled up on the sofa and read a book? Create your own quiet space and build this into your day. On a personal note this time gives me an opportunity to focus on my health, developing a structured series of routines to help me structure my day constructively, working on my mental health strategies to prepare for when we can get back outside. Trying to distract my mind from the negative worries about the back log of hospital appointments waiting for me and the struggles that will be coming when mental health out of lockdown has to be started. However, there are some things that have amazed me during this time. On a personal note;- 1. Who would have thought that visualising myself swimming, thinking about the feel of the water, the imagery of my strokes as I glide through and think about my body position, my technique and the feeling of completing a set could leave me with a warm and happy feeling? 2. Who would have thought that I would be enjoying just sitting and looking around the garden, watching the birds as they swoop down to collect their daily bread from the table outside? 3. Who would have thought that there is enough ‘streamed’ content to last us considerable amounts of programmes to enjoy during lockdown. 4. Who would be have thought that as we browsed through Ted Baker we would discover that they are putting together playlists for music motivation to use during exercise? 5. Who would have thought I could learn so much by just working on my volunteer roles in order to help others with a clear directive and the time to actually put in enough energy to actually make a difference to other peoples lives. The luxury of having time just to write and enjoy it for what it is even if no one ever sees it. 6. Government Jargon - I never would have thought that I would be listening and understanding what was going on from knowing all the cabinet members, the processes they go through to pass legislation, the rate of ‘R’ and it’s significance, the opening of freight lines, the industries, the scientists beavering away. The value of seeing how other countries are managing the war and the importance of what is actually being done and the achievements and process that have been followed. Then there’s the economy and furloughed staff and not to mention the 5 point plan that is the key to opening our doors and getting out again! Not to mention that the 5pm / 4pm broadcasts would actually become an important and daily occurrence. Although I would be happy to return to my usual Channel 5 news! 7. Craft Activities - these have had to evolve and getting started was hard as our supplies run down and our trips to get embellishments etc for our creations is now null and void. However, we have enjoyed sourcing ideas and printable resources that can be utilised alongside the craft that we have. Managing to get cards has enabled me to a c certain extent create a ‘stock piling’ of finished cards that are ready for family, friends and craft shows which is one step we will take which will be hard on a mental health scale, but something to aim for at some point in the future. 8. Who would have thought that I would be planning and developing a website and blog and getting work published as well as accessing online courses to support this. The pleasure of trying to help others through writing. Gaining knowledge and expanding my vocabulary. 9. Who would have thought that I would find some fascinating programmes on the TV that take me though the history of French Chateaus, the way people take a huge leap of faith and change in their lives through choice, the cultures and wildlife that are explored and the ways to travel and see the world that is so unbelievably fascinating. 10. Then theres the time to do some simple online learning courses. An easy way to start is through the Centre Of Excellence. There are so many things to choose from and it’s also a good way to pass some time. Despite all the above we are also starting to hit walls and gaps. When you spend so much time in one place you realise how much there is to be done. Spending a lot of time in my bedroom with boxes that need sorting and clothes to be tidied, coursework to complete. Everything needs to be planned and potentially changed and monitored so as not to send my health too far backwards. It’s a fine line to get to the balance of but learning is never a bad thing. Through writing this piece I have realised that within my own regime there are things that have been pushed out of my life recently that have been an integral piece of my routine in times gone by. Personally, reading has become something of the past and following gymnastics, dance and football (beyond the actual game now) and my limited use of social media have been forgotten. These are things that can be implemented easily. Before, I would never have been able to manage the ‘Who would have’ thoughts without ‘time’. That time comes from a hospital appointment taking up half a day or a leisurely swim that I now realise is also taking up around half a day. In comparison I had one appointment over the phone, took 30 minutes and then done! What do we want to do? There will be an element of containing and structuring these new found pleasures and luxuries beyond the war and into the new world that this pandemic has forced upon us in the same way it did for those in times of real wars.It will feel strange for a while as it did when we went into lockdown, but we can survive this and come out the other side and be able to look back at the good memories that we have created. We owe this to the people who have taken the ultimate sacrifice to accept what has happened and spread our wings of capability and adaptation to build the best that we can. But my 5 top tips for right now are: 1. Build a structure into your day. 2. Alternate your time between mental and physical activities. 3. Aim to learn at least one thing and share that new knowledge. 4. Make a memory everyday that you can cherish, write it down, take a photo or share with someone. 5. Use this time to consider your future and where you want to be. Above all, follow your heart. I felt it extremely important to end this blog with some insights into television programmes that have supported my learning, are safe to watch and keep me interested in different activities. The reason being that those with mental health problems watching TV can be a challenging experience. The difficulty of knowing what is real or not is hard to evaluate. So, during this time carer and I have really taken to some documentaries which have become our ‘staple’ viewing, created new interests and inspired us to develop our craft projects. There are of course many more options than contained within this document that we have not thought of but just have a browse around to see what draws you in. It’s nice to have a programme that you can ‘hook’ into like the feeling of a soap that you might watch every evening! It add’s a bit of structure to your life and instead of watching a load of depressing dramas and activities then you can open your eyes to the world and learn something. Who knows it may inspire you to create new hobbies and open up new things to talk about and discuss. Follow the Intrigue of French Chateau’s. Both Carer and I have really fallen in love with Escape to The Chateau. It follows Dick and Angel Strawbridge through their journey of moving to France, purchasing a Chateau and restoring it to it’s natural glory. A spin off from this is Escape To The Chateau DIY which is equally inquisitive and enjoyable to watch. It follows the other British people who have taken on the Chateau challenge with Dick and Angel offering support and advice to help others to renovate their own Chateau’s. The results are incredible and the mix of different building and the way the rooms are transformed is totally unique. I love the way they seek to restore these beautiful Chateau’s using the treasures they find within the attics or under the wall paper. The intrigue of discovery and variety of purposes. The inspiration of craft and activities that we have utilised. It’s great for DIY ideas as well so a bit of exercise involved here. Food even makes it not the list with The Great British Bake off, from different spreads to pastries to cakes and patisseries they have it all for any foodie! Plus it could get you cooking at home with some really good ideas. Cruising with Jane McDonald is an amazing show to watch. Not only do you get a front row seat inside this amazing cruise ships you also get taken on a cultural journey around the world. Jane McDonald explores the cruising business itself showing you different types of ships but also takes you through cultural beliefs and ways of life. She’ll show you everything from what the ships provide, behind the scenes and the exploration of cultural beliefs and ways of life in so many places. It’s a great way to travel and you get to see so much. Sure right now cruises are probably not high on peoples list of enjoyment at the moment with ships being stranded to sea and people in desperation trying to get home but that won’t always be the case and perhaps it’s time to think about the future and whether a cruise is right for you? Carer et al have been extremely lucky to have done this and it’s just an incredible way to see the world and explore new foods, traditions and embrace some great sights and sounds that others have as part of their everyday lives. Ben Fogle explores anything from a monk living on his own and getting food from local villages who offer him the food they desperately need, to families living on their own islands and becoming self sufficient to the people who travel around as volunteers helping to build homes on secluded lands in return for food and board and then move onto another site, this programme is incredible to watch. Not only that but you get to see spectacular scenery, learn about the way people adapt to such different ways of life. It’s a truly amazing programme and Ben Fogle takes you right to the heart of each place and embraces the culture and way of life completely, translating that information directly to you in a sensitive but informative way that allows you to capture the true essence of the places he explores. Holding onto the parts that have been good to you throughout this crisis and dismissing the rest for your ‘old’ is important. Whatever you have learnt from this experience are not only instilled in your mind forever but can have lasting effect on how you now choose to plan ahead and adapt in the knowledge and comfort that you know this is possible. Look at the way in which the people in Ben Fogles programmes have chosen new lives whether it’s his trips to excluded islands and people being self sufficient to the the UK, families who have up rooted to move to the countryside and start a farm from scratch or take a leap of faith into a whole new life in running a business, they have had dreams of for years. They have chosen their own destiny but it still matches where we are now. What have we learnt from our experience? What will our new live be? For sometime this will be strange but we have to adapt and move forward. I think thats all we can realistically do until the Government give us more guidance and we move to the next stage of recovery. I hope this has given you some inspiration and some joy. Look out for the following blogs that may be of interest to you as we will post all the official definitions of the programmes as well as all the TV links in a few days. See below for details of what is to follow in the coming weeks. In the meantime, thank you for reading, please like and share. Most of all, be safe and keep well.

Learning as We Battle - Part 2 - TV Links This blog is a follow up from Learning to battle and has in depth definitions of Television Programmes that are both enjoyable, interesting to watch and convey the correct information that people with mental health problems find so difficult. It’s worth thinking about as although some programmes put up that the social distancing was put into place before the programme this can be confusing for people watching and seeing people doing whatever they want to and therefore struggle even more with the concept of that is real and what is in their head. This may lead to them breaking ‘lockdown’ Wading through the TV guide every night has the potential to cause significant amounts of brain fog as you sift your way through the repeats and add breaks that always carry significant messages and requests for money. Whether you end up loving whats below or whether you see something different when you are following our links, this could provide some unique opportunities to learn, support your mental health and shape your future. 13th May Exercise for all - Learning As We Battle - Part 3 From Exercise Alternatives Anyone can try to supporting athletes sporting skills in an imaginative and creative way that can reinforce and support your journey to good physical health. Are you missing your normal exercise or sporting activity? Tried to weave through the ever increasing you tube workouts but not found the right one? Not sure if they are real instructors? Fancy something different or unique to try? Are you finding it hard to motivate yourself to exercise whilst on lockdown? As an athlete, are you finding it hard to fill your day and want to add something fresh? No matter where you sit on the spectrum of exercise or sports participation from the very beginner of someone stuck at home and ill or or disabled to Paralympic Athletes and able bodied athletes there is something here that EVERYONE can access and enjoy with the bonus being that the same activity can be used to meet all of your needs. We at Time to Heal have created a list of ideas especially for you. We look at a variety of activities at all levels and with the qualified instructors you need to stay safe, have fun, learn something new and challenge yourself to endeavour to participate in something that you can continue and enjoy beyond the COVID-19 Panademic! These activities aim to convey to you some unique ways to supplement your current training programmes as athletes as well as supporting those who are limited in terms of what they can do. Sit back, and enjoy the ride and see where you go! So knuckle down and let’s do this! 16th May Dazzle Box - Learning as We battle - Part 4 Do you find yourself at times wondering what to do with yourself? You’ve finished your planned activity and don’t know what to do next? Do you get anxious because there is so much choice around you? How about your family members? Perhaps the things you wanted to get done are all sorted and you are feeling lost and overwhelmed wondering what’s going next? This blog materialises from the concept we recently used to create a log book for children with Pituitary Conditions which has been promoted by The Pituitary Foundation as well as on my own site. It’s easy to set up and to use and will ensure that you and your family members can all have something that is personal for you and fills those difficult to do moments where you find your self with spacey eyes wondering where you begin.It’s like giving your brain a break and working out what to do next will come easier. Developed from a mental health perspective it’s great for all the family, from children up to grandparents and the over 100’s! Let us guide you to create a ‘Dazzle Box’. It’s a simple way to keep you motivated through these difficult times that we are facing. We guarantee that you won’t be disappointed! There really is something for everyone and we can hit exercise, reaction times, learning and calm reflection activities.

Plus, incase you missed it, this blog post may be of interest to you as well.

An introduction to Undefeatables - Exercise For All

So this is where ‘We are Undefeatables’ comes into play and would be a really good place to get started. It’s been running now since August 2019 as a national campaign, lead by Sport England and funded through The National Lottery. It highlights the fact that there are 1 on 4 people in this country who are trying to manage at least one long term health problem and are working alongside 15 health and social care charities. Make physical activity part of your life and especially during the lock down. Find some inspirational stories through the link below and join us on our adventure.



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