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Success Comes In Many Ways - Part 1


Who gets to decide what success is?

What is success?

When do we see success in ourselves or those around us?

Where is success found? Are we focused on money, fame, family, happiness?

How do we measure success as a society or as an individual?

Who makes the decision about what success really is?

In Part One we’ll look at success and how COVID has provided positive outcomes. Then focus on Healthcare provision, Science & Health Charities.

In Part Two we’ll continue with Sport/Exercise, a love of nature, the way our TV viewing has changed and E-Learning materials.

Part Three Coincides with the launch of the Time To Heal Physical Health & Well-Being Page. We’ll cover some self care, a love of nature and awareness of Climate Change.

A basic definition of success put simply is; the accomplishment of a goal or aim which meets the desired outcome.

However, it is worth considering that according to Linkedin the only person that can answer these questions is you, stating that;

I am neither able nor willing to prescribe the ultimate definition of success, as this is not possible. Every person is thinking differently about being prosperous in life and is defining success in another way, so there can’t exist a definition that is suitable for all. It is very important that you know exactly how to define success in life! Make yourself aware what accomplishment, success and prosperity in general means to you in your life. Some might define success as having luxurious cars and a huge mansion, whereas others consider a life full of joy and happiness with their family as the true meaning of success. Once you have figured out what is important for you personally you are able to focus on your visions and goals.(

Taking it another step further, LifeHack has promoted 19 definitions of Success that they suggest we should never ignore! These include; doing your best, having a place you can call home, balancing work with passions, overcoming fear and learning something new each day.

Success can also come from some strange situations and scenarios and, perhaps none more so than out of COVID. We look at deaths, the toll on the economy, the stress it has brought into our lives. The way that we live has changed in unmeasurable terms. So success is not openly apparent, we need to search for it but there is a glimmer of hope, some small glimpses of light at the end of the tunnel, changes to the way we live and access what we need.

So what positive ways and skills have we all developed throughout this pandemic that could change the way we think, act, support others, work and go about our everyday activities with new skills, new mindsets and potentially healthier, happier and more connected than before the pandemic hit.

Appreciation For What we have & Who We Have

If lockdown has taught us anything it’s to appreciate the small things in our lives that are so important and others less so. Time spent in Nature, freedom to make our own choices, food, healthcare, mental health, access to recreation, leisure, entertainment and social environments. It has shown the importance of technology utilised in many different forums and, of course the support and comfort of family, friends, colleagues and, in many cases a new way of working and managing family life. A better balance and easier ways to access what we need. So let’s break this down into sections.


When it comes to appreciation for what and who we have a special mention should be made for the scientists.Without them we would not be entering this stage of COVID positivity or trying to re-build our lives. We may have to live with COVID for the rest of our lives but without the intervention and invention at high speed of our scientists to create a vaccine, we would probably be looking at another long, bleak winter in lockdown.

Health Care

Access to health appointments has changed forever. One to one contact is much needed for certain appointments. Phone calls with Doctors can be a negative and challenging but it also brings success. According to North Lincolshire NHS;

‘Some patients, especially those with long term health conditions, may find they would rather avoid going into their practice when possible while COVID is still circulating’.

They continue with;

“When you walk into a GP surgery – it will look calm and quiet, not like the full busy waiting rooms of before with people coughing and spreading infections whilst they waited. Behind the closed doors of consulting rooms – every GP and nurse are calling patients, either via telephone or video.

As part of this report Dr Elston explained that;

'By working this way, local doctors have seen the following benefits for their patients;

  • It helps reduce the spread of infections, not just Covid and so protecting our staff and our patients.

  • It helps people get advice from us when previously they used to struggle due to work and caring commitments

  • It means we can provide more on the day appointments as our appointments are not all fully booked with face to face appointments and so you can get access to a GP or clinician when you need it.

  • We have more flexibility on the amount of time we spend with patients, so we can spend longer on those that really need it.

  • We have less wasted appointments with patients who “did not attend” their GP appointment

So for many patients a routine appointment or a very short quick ‘triage’ can save time, the stress of travelling, being able to park, getting there on time can all be removed.Reduce waiting times, allow patients to be in a relaxed and familiar environment and relieve pressure on healthcare professionals. For certain areas it can be difficult and frustrating, but used correctly positive outcomes can be achieved for everyone involved.

Awareness Days - Medical Professionals, Webinars and Conferences

With annual conferences and support groups not being able to meet, diligent and inventive partners have continued to raise their game to help us. By providing us with opportunities to network through social media. By taking conferences online. Allowing, a greater range of speakers from many countries to give the best medical advice for whatever the priority for that health care charity or business organisation.

For the patients, members and supporters it also adds the additional feature of accessibility. For many travel to the annual conference maybe a 4-5 hour drive that they cannot manage. Utilising the online method they can access the full content of the conference but also chat with others through Zoom or Microsoft Teams in organised chat groups. Another great feature of this is by filming each session and providing a platform for people to access talks and discussion videos after the event, people can view at their own level and refer back to things that they may normally miss purely because the time of day or a ‘sick day’ interrupts their viewing.

Perhaps some lessons for the future that can be added to normal conference planning once restrictions lift. Integrated programming and filming could easily be replicated, as could the question and answer sessions.

Raising Funds For Charity - Creativity by individuals and Groups

Following on from the conference programming, asking for donations for attendance is not only a good way to keep funds coming in but with a larger target audience the opportunity to raise a significant amount of money at a time when charities are struggling to stay afloat. Again something that can be easily repeated in years to come. Attendees paying for their face to face experience whilst ‘long distance’ viewers paying a donation or amount per webinar accessed.

This is just the beginning of a wider discussion forum. Something to get us thinking. Things we may like and things we don’t. Some may not want change at all and others may welcome it. Whatever you decide are right for you. But what this does highlight is that there’s something good and positive that we can take from even the worst of global crisis. More to come in the next two episodes.

The All Important Links

Linkedin - Defining Success In Life

LifeHack - 19 Definitions Of Success You Should Never Ignore

The Benefits Of Online Appointments


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