Having experienced both adrenal insufficiency, excess prolactin and now Addison's I wanted to make sure you all know the difference!
I have separate pages on this website for the two conditions so you can select the one which is most appropriate to you and your medical condition.
If you are still not sure then send me a message to timetoheal2010@gmail.com and I'll do my best to guide you. Below should heal you to recognise where you fit!
With Addison's diseasee the adrenal glands are no longer functioning and steroid replacement for cortisol is required. This condition is supported by the Addison's Self-Help group.
The Pituitary Foundation supports anyone with pituitary gland conditions such as adrenal insufficiency as this is what pituitary patients require. Along with adrenal insufficiency they support conditions such as non-functioning tumours, prolactinoma's, apoxlexy etc.....
