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This Girl Can Programme


(Image from; This Girl Can Facebook Page)

As we progress through the celebratory month of Women, we have already highlighted and celebrated female Scientists, high level achievers in various fields, Mothers of a traditional nature and Mum’s that come in all sorts of ways. We have especially promoted the parity and equality of opportunities that we want to offer.

Now we focus in on a programme of exercise put together specifically to target women and increase their ability to access exercise, regardless of age, size, ability or race. Suitable for anyone they are particularly helpful and supportive for those living with LTHC’s and Disabilities. We also follow on the Mother Daughter trend by including workout with the kids ideas and some ideas for the older ones too!

Let's be inspired and motivated by the This Girl Can programme and it’s merry band of Ambassadors! The Plan is a very unique one customised to yourself as the mission statement hits you straight up with;

No one gets to choose how you exercise other than you. Your body, your call. And whatever that looks like, we think it’s worth celebrating. This Girl Can, funded by The National Lottery, believes that there’s no “right” way to get active. However you jiggle, kick, lift, stretch, or sprint, it’s time to get moving how you damn please’. (

This is a far cry from you need to do this and then this and then this…….

It’s all in your court literally. There’s loads of support so let’s get moving….

As always it’s helpful if you can see some examples and this programme doesn’t hold back, they have plenty of their ‘girls’ ready to give some motivation. So head to Meet The Girls where you can meet a wide range of women from different walks of life who have been inspired to exercise in many ways. For example Aneesa who’s old personal trainer contacted her through Zoom over lockdown, Jennifer who was motivated to try aerial skills after watching Pinks Video. She even uses the kids to throw around as weights! You can watch a great video of this! Hannah took to exercise alternatives during her periods to help manage her symptoms.

Next up and following on nicely from last weeks theme is Mother and Daughter combination Yvonne and Patrice who have come together to exercise. With Yvonne managing the symptoms of menopause and Patrice suffering with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome they manage to do circuits at home and get out for regular jogs together.

What’s striking about all these ladies is the difference in age, race, ability, size, background and the huge array of problems and conditions that they are facing and trying to overcome.It’s a full range for health, fun, well being, family life and mental health. Not just that but the range of activities this exposes us to is vast and not necessarily the structured ones you might normally experience/expect. Some is spontaneous whilst others do require specific venues and centres to be open but as these stories show much can be done at home or in your local area. It’s about finding your best fit which moves nicely onto…

A huge range of activity ideas for you to scroll through and learn about and in fact you will find 90 different options! Some will be familiar such as tennis, group exercise, personal training sessions, running and walking. But you’ll also be exposing yourself to some very different forms of exercise. For those with a thing for all things Harry Potter you’ll see that Quidditch is featured! Got an animal? Then there are workouts for you and your pets to do together. Add in some park workouts, wheelchair sports and the school run and pretty much everyone is catered for. Each activity page tells you more about the exercise/sport, what it does and has links to clubs, providers and online content you can trust.

Clearly your location and COVID restrictions will limit some opportunities right now but this great activity finder will help you to access something for now that is perhaps more home based with the mindset of following on into something different as and when restrictions are lifted and activities re-start. To help with this you can select the filter results option into COVID friendly, 10 minutes or less, feeling stronger, time to unwind, making a splash or something different.

The three examples below are not your average exercise options and you may never have even heard of them before, but could easily be done at home or in your local community and a great way to begin.

  1. Medau Movement 'is a creative system of exercise to music with a strong emphasis on rhythm to influence the pace, strength and dynamics of exercise; small handheld apparatus is used to extend and influence movements which are natural and organic and involve the whole body’.

  2. Nordic Walking ‘Using specially designed poles to enhance your natural walking experience, nordic walking adapt’s a technique that is similar to the upper body action of classic cross country skiing. It is a whole body exercise that can be enjoyed at many levels, from walking for health, to athletic Nordic running’.

  3. Ultimate Frisbee ‘A fast moving sport played with a flying disc (frisbee). Imagine a cross between netball and American football (without the contact!)and you get somewhere close’.(

Find some simple stretching movements and use some food cans as weights to get your body moving or grab some poles (take off the mop or brush!)and go for a walk, could be around the house, your garden or your local green spaces. You could head to the garden or your local park with a frisbee and a socially distanced friend or within your bubble and literally get throwing!

These activity ideas in the with the kids section will be of great help more than ever. At least the PE and Mental health sections of home schooling will be covered and great ideas to continue forward once things start to re-open, even if they are now back at school. More stories are being uploaded all the time and you can access them here. There is also a mobile app you can access which allows you to create your own This Girl Can Poster, with your own chosen statement which you can then share on Facebook and Twitter.

Following up with this we have Social Media which is being utilised to the max! You can access the main Facebook Page here. Then on a more local level you can search for This Girl Can and add your County. For example you can access the Essex based site at This Girl Can Essex. Twitter can be accessed by just searching This Girl Can or at @ThisGirlCanUK. There’s a great YouTube Site with loads of activity ideas and more personal videos and stories for all levels at This Girl Can Home Page. Whilst you can look at photos to your hearts content on Instagram! So plenty to keep you busy.

For those already exercising or delivering there are some great options for you too. By becoming a supporter you can help inspire others to join in with the movement. You’ll be able to register here or email at THISGIRLCAN@SPORTENGLAND.ORG if you need some help. Anyone can take part in this whether you are a lone exerciser who wants to help others or an instructor/coach wanting to reach out to more participants. The toolkit includes access to pictures and logos, template posters, insights to research and delivering plus the use of the official logo. It’s a great way to promote your services especially in the difficult times that the exercise and sport sector is currently facing. (Currently only available to England Residents because of COVID-19)

You’ll be given the chance to connect with local ambassadors who co-ordinate programmes throughout the UK in conjunction with local councils to promote and put on events and festivals such as the Women Like Us Festival that Active Essex are helping to co-ordinate, which involves a fun packed evening of classes online delivered by 15 Ambassadors from the local area. The event was incredible and the timetable below from that International Women’s Day event shows you the amazing opportunities partner working can achieve.

The programme is also keen to work with commercial organisations and journalists. Email:THISGIRLCAN@SPORTENGLAND.ORG or MEDIATEAM@SPORTENGLAND.ORG for more details. A great way to promote and expand your current delivery and link into a massive campaign.

What's refreshing about this programme is the fact that it’s about tackling health conditions, finding something that really suits you as an individual. It’s not about strict exercise classes or loosing weight.It’s enjoyment, accepting yourself and trying to do something that you enjoy and supports everyday wellbeing. It’s totally adaptable and therefore can be accessed on any level. It works perfectly for those who have particular medical conditions. The benefits are clear to see and access to the programme is quick and easy. A great way to get moving or gain support for your organisation or exercise classes through the links and promotional activities and insights.

The all important links for this programme;

This Girl Can - Home Page

This Girl Can - Meet The Girls

This Girl Can - Activities

This Girl Can - Activities In Your Area

This Girl Can - Activities With Kids

This Girl Can - Supporters Hub

This Girl Can - Stories

This Girl Can - Mobile App

This Girl Can - Register

This Girl Can - Essex Women Like Us Festival

This Girl Can - Facebook Page

This Girl Can

Coming Up next Week…

We are relaunching the Exercise page on the Time To Heal Website. Look out for the link and a full range of opportunities to explore. There will be some basic information around staying safe, different campaigns to get you started, virtual and actual event links to help boost your motivation and the added bonus of some totally new activities!

Until then stay well, be safe and follow those rules! Then we can explore the outside just that little bit more!


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