This blog is for anyone who has a LTHC/Disability or Mental Health Condition.
It aims to help and support, to aid understanding & confidence In managing these Conditions. This is done by utilising a variety of Health Charities & Support Networks both online and in local communities, through targeted resources in a variety of styles, theme and content.
We’ll browse over a few ideas that cover topics such as general health, specific medical advice, mental health, exercise and sport. But head to Time To Heals New Download Page, which is launching today for more information and some great links, tips and opportunities.
1.Health and Well-Being
The Pituitary Foundation
For all things Pituitary you just need to head to the Pituitary Foundations Publications Page.The full A-Z list can be found here. This includes general health and well being to specific conditions caused by Pituitary Gland conditions, treatment details and up to date medical advances and COVID data. Theres also the added extra of a Support For You Blogs list which will lead you to sites approved by The Pituitary Foundation as being helpful and supportive. So a bit of real life experiences for you to read following on from the factual information enclosed in the publications.
For All Things Addisons Disease head to the Addison's Disease HomePage. You can also visit their Publications Page. The Medical Summary Sheet is fantastic for those who have a number of medical conditions as you can put them all in this handy sheet and take to hospital appointments. Doesn’t matter what your medical condition(s) is, this sheet is simple but highly effective. A great backup if computers fail! You’ll also find information for medical professionals, those with a new diagnosis and considerations for surgery.
2. Mental Health
National Voice
This information from National Voice looks to support emotional health amongst people living with long-term conditions. Following extensive research with a vast array of different people with LTHC’s, healthcare professionals and families they have produced 10 recommendations and started a campaign entitled ‘#AskHowIAm’, which has the focus of;
‘…. calling for compassionate conversations at all points of contact between healthcare professionals and people living with long-term conditions. We are asking every healthcare provider - nurses, doctors, and allied healthcare professionals – to properly, meaningfully ask people how they are feeling’.(https://www.nationalvoices.org.uk/publications/our-publications/ask-how-I-am)
You can download the following PDF Documents;
Ask How I am includes barriers and inequalities in support of people with LTHC’s and the impact of COVID-19.
Ask How I am Recommendations is targeted at Primary care, the NHS and other healthcare experts.
Practical Tips For Practitioners consists of 6 key areas such as showing passion, offering reassurance and challenging inequality.
Information For People With LTHC's focuses on the need to understand that your emotional well-being should be of importance and you have the right to be heard and supported as well as some handy links.
The Care Model looks at supporting the whole person through three distinct areas, Holistic, Specialist & Universal.
These give all-round support to everyone involved in the support of someone with a LTHC. Lots of handy tips, links and methods in which to obtain help.
Government Advice
HeatWave Plan from gov.uk is just one of many documents that will help you on the weather and how it may affect you generally but also considering those with LTHC’s who have to extra careful. Also helpful for anyone running outdoor classes, events and training/matches in the sports and leisure sector.
You can download the NHS App and this will store key information that you may need to access for trial events or even travel, night clubs, bars and restaurants. Basically anywhere that you need evidence of your vaccination status and also your test results. You’ll have your medical record in the palm of your hand. A really handy and helpful application to use.
4. Sport & Exercise
Sport For Confidence
This Table Tennis Guide has been produced by Sport For Confidence, a programme aimed at supporting those who experience accessibility problems and barriers to sport and exercise, which includes those with LTHC’s. This comprehensive guide looks at how Table Tennis can be used as a Therapeutic Activity through extensive research. You’ll find case studies, Information on how to get started, equipment, online opportunities, school based activity and, a research summary. A really helpful Activity analysis looks at three main areas; Body Functions, Activity Demands and Performance Skills. This involves the typical demands of an activity, the variety of skills involved in its performance, and the meanings that might be linked with it.
Activity Alliance is an organisation that supports, promotes, delivers and researches activity programmes for those with disability. This handy link How We Help has a long list of informative, easy to read guides on topics such as;
Access for all - Opening Doors
Fit as a Fiddle, which is jointly produced with Age UK
An Easy Read Activity Guide &
Inclusive Communications.
Great variety of content and something for participants, potential participants and sport and exercise providers at all levels.
These are just a few of many great support materials for downloads. Over the coming weeks we will look in more detail at new programmes, success stories and updates on everything Pituitary, Mental Health, LTHC’s and, Ambassador Roles!
The Important Links!
Pituitary Foundation - Publication Home Page
A-Z of Publications
Support For You Blogs
Addisons Disease Self Help Group
Medical Summary Sheet
National Voices - Ask How I am
NHS - Download App For Apple & Android
HeatWave Plan For England
Sport For Confidence - Table Tennis Guide
Activity Alliance - Resource Page