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We Are Undefeatables - Working In Partnership With Active Essex


Updated: Aug 5, 2021

Over the last three weeks we have looked at The We Are Undefeatables Campaign in detail. A Campaign that is aimed specifically towards those with LTHC’s and/or Disabilities.

This week we focus on the links between the programme and its connection within local councils, thus providing residents with the information that they need and require to support their local population to become more active. Through the promotion of local case studies, other local and National programmes, activity finders and support for providers we will see how this can impact on participation levels of those with LTHC’s and Disabilities.

Councils around the Country are beavering away in collaboration to support the Communities that they deliver to which are so diverse and challenging so seeing what can be achieved is incredible. One such guiding light is the team from Active Essex. The Essex All Together programme and We Are Undefeatables. Sport and exercise is also going to look very different to how it was pre COVID (if you can remember back that far). Now theres the internet to trawl through, guidelines for everything that is delivered and a vast array of video content across numerous social media platforms.

The council is one of 12 local delivery agents selected to work with Sport England to improve inactivity in deprived locations and targets the vulnerable. Active Essex Director Jason Fergus is rightly proud of his team at the 4 year Impact Statement demonstrates. The key objective is to reach 1 million residents to get active by 2021 and despite the pandemic the figure has already grown from 953,113 to 988,287(*).

Active Essex has a We Are Undefeatable's page in the same way as the health charities do. Here the focus in on what we have and can have/access to as opposed to what we can’t. Learning how to weave together the jigsaw pieces so that current programmes and activities can be made inclusive rather than new very small specific programmes for an individual, (unless of course you are a personal trainer or looking to get one) and so that mass participation events can also become achievable.

However, there are still programmes that are more targeted such as the Essex All Together Programme, which exists to Inspire, Promote, Support and Deliver to those who have LTHC’s and/or disabilities. You can view the Ambassador Profiles and also access a special Getting Active Finder search to help you on your way.

In Essex there has been a big drive to promote The Superheroes Series Team through the All Together Ambassadors A group of over 40 individuals with a range of medical and mental health problems along with coaches and volunteers, Active For Life, 30/30 Essex and This Girl Can. All very targeted projects which have been highly successful. Recruitment for more ambassadors is ongoing and you can find out more on the Become an Ambassador page. The 30/30 programme ran through June with participants encouraged to build 30minutes exercise into their days. This was highly successful and a clear progression from the We Are Undefeatable's Five In Five Cards and 15 Ways To Move Poster.

These lead nicely into the Sport For Confidence programme which supports anyone who is facing barriers to exercise and sports participation. A great programme that can support people to begin their exercise journey. Occupational therapists provide an initial phone/video call to address any worries and concerns for those with LTHC’s and Disabilities. They then discuss with the coaches to ensure the activity you do is safe and you can be sure that your individual needs are met.

Sport England is another great example of working to include everyone in the Join The Movement Programme and support of numerous projects which filter down to local councils. This enables further dissemination of research data, targeted resources, ideas and clear guidance on COVID restrictions to allow delivery to be tailored towards each particular branch of localised programming.

By browsing the Essex site, you can explore case studies such as this one from Megan Potts, which are more relevant than the general Undefeatables Campaigns (although these are a fantastic place to start) as they show what is available in your area. Potts has type 1 diabetes but loves her circus skills. Her profile shows some great images, information on her desire to maintain her favourite classes after diagnosis and some helpful links back to Diabetes UK for some advice on participating safely, as well as places in Essex where classes are running. This demonstrates quite clearly how this programme evolves and connects. If reading about Potts first, then you can get your link to the health charity for general advice, then onto the We Are Undefeatables page to get started, and then back to Active Essex to find your thing!

However, local deliverers need to expand outside of the official health charities worked with by The We Are Undefeatable's Team and there are so many case studies that you can access here. You could for example look at Cindy Snowdon and her combination of medical conditions which are not completely covered by the We Are Undefeatables Campaign. But on a local level she is still fully supported through The Learning To Move Programme which in turn has led to participation in bowls. Another loop around that supports her needs in a safe environment utilising the resources available.

YouTube Timetable

Each week since lockdown began the playlists of sport and exercise programmes have been growing steadily. They encompass a variety of activities all on one timetable for residents to make the most of with local instructors that are either already council employees or other sports/exercise instructors who have been brought in from the local area. What’s great is that as you can see by the image below the range of activities offered are for people of all ages, abilities and levels. There are no divides between disabled/able bodied. Everything is in one place making it far more accessible. They have appeared on social media every Sunday so residents could plan ahead. During COVID 38,879 residents in Essex have actively participated in these activities through YouTube. In addition to that 180 organisations have been supported to provide COVID safe provision(*). The content is still live on YouTube and so can be revisited.

Children & Young People

30,000 young people have been engaged in activity over the 4 years including a 57% rise in schools delivering the daily mile. A further 14,852 and their families have enjoyed food and activity clubs during the school holidays.(*) Through the pandemic special programmes for all school holidays have also been produced through the YouTube Channel and PE lessons taking place through lockdown. An example timetable is below and all videos can still be accessed online at the School Holiday PE Sessions Page.

The Active Essex Foundation has supported 112 community grass roots sessions and organisations including projects to reduce youth crime through prevention strategies with over 6,000 people reached (*).

Organised Sport/Activity Sessions

180 organisations have been supported through COVID and over a four year period 68 apprentices have been trained and have now delivered over 75,000 coaching sessions(*).


There you have it! A whistle stop tour of provision and what partnership working can achieve. Remember this is just an example of one local authority. Each will be different and partial impact will come from the Census we have just completed. Helping the authorities to shape the needs and gaps in the market to support our community to move forward and access exercise without the barriers. These could be the diversity of people, the range of activities, specialist training and awareness for coaches and instructors, and recognition of peoples health and mental health conditions. The willingness to support rather than exclude, communicate with instead of ignore will no doubt play a huge part of provision going forward into the next 4year cycle of delivery.

(*) Data from within the text is curtsy of Public Health England and Sport England & Active Essex - Webinar & Full Impact Statement (

As always, the important links are below…

Active Essex - We Are Undefeatables Homepage

Megan Potts Story - Circus Skills

Cindy Snowdon - Learning To Move & Bowls

Case Studies - Essex Ambassadors

Superheroes Challenges

4 Year Impact Video Summary

Webinar & Full Impact Statement

YouTube Channel

All Together Homepage

Become an Ambassador

Profiles of Current Ambassadors

Getting Active Guide

We Are Undefeatables - Five in Five Cards

15 Ways To Move Poster

Coming next (2 Weeks Time) ;

As we approach Mental Health Week we will look in depth at the difficult transition that those who have been shielding and/or are vulnerable face as lockdown lifts and life resumes. Utilising some great quotes from Action For Happiness we look at this tricky road and aim to offer some hints, tips, ideas and support mechanisms to guide you back to as normal as possible.


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