‘MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR GOOD DAYS’ ‘Each day, listen to your body and do what feels comfortable to you. Make the most of your good days. On your not-so-good days, you may need to do less. Small amounts of activity all add up’.
This campaign re-launched in July showcasing the need for those with long term health conditions to engage in getting themselves ‘fit’ and healthy in a variety of ways. In this blog we’ll delve into some of the innovative programmes. So if you want to find out what a ‘Message Bot’ is? What 5 in 5 cards is all about? Plus a whole lot more then this is just for you… got to start that ladder, climb from the bottom up, no excuses, theres something that everyone can do here! Let’s do it…
‘Embrace What you Can Do And Not What you can’t’ is something that has become a bit of a ‘mantra’ for us at time to heal since starting to work with The We Are Undefeatables Campaign.
The We Are Undefeatables Campaign is an incredible piece of research and subsequent delivery of effective safe and targeted resources aimed at getting everyone moving in anyway that they can, providing case studies and ideas for really simple activities, encouraging very small amounts of activity that can grow and prosper into more. Focused on those who struggle with their health or mental health this is a truly unique piece of work but is crucial and a lifeline for so many. So sit back and take a ride. There is something here for everyone from the vulnerable, to the most disabled people, those with serious health conditions, mental health conditions and anyone who may come into contact with these people on a day to day basis, whether that’s in a sporting environment or not. It’s a support mechanism and grows brilliantly from last week where we focused on health. Therefore meaning it also reaches anyone who is not currently exercising at all. So let’s progress and see what we can find with this land of excitement, creativity and intrigue…………..
From our research and actual working knowledge of this programme fitness from We Are Undefeatables really is about your daily ‘personal best’ whatever that may be. The focus is obviously to move as much as you can but also recognises that some days will be very different to others when you have a long term health condition. The campaign has been developed by 15 health and social care charities.(these are listed at the end of the blog with links to the relevant pages) Despite this please don’t be put off if your charitable organisation is not listed. The resources are adaptable and or completely user friendly and effective for the majority of medical conditions.
This is confirmed with this interesting quotation that Charlotte Cummings, Brand Marketing Manager at We Are Undefeatables Campaign has kindly provided for us;
‘For We Are Undefeatable, we wanted to redefine what ‘exercise’ looks like and challenge the perception that ‘fitness’ is exclusively for people dressed head-to-toe in Lycra and generating a sweat. When in fact, building your fitness can be as small as adding more movement into your daily routine with things like marching on the spot while waiting for the kettle to boil or dancing along to your favourite song on the radio!
It is estimated that 43% of adults over 16 years old in England are living with at least one long term health condition. We Are Undefeatable aims to support people in overcoming the idea that they can’t get active and that despite the ups, downs and unpredictability of their condition can still find a way to move that works for them’.
So let’s get stuck in………………
One great way to get started is the 5 in 5 programme. This clever but simple to use programme involves using five exercise cards. You complete each exercise for 1 minute before a quick break and then the next one. Or if you need longer breaks or to cut the time down to 30 seconds there is no problem with that! You can just pick and choose. The link below has all the 5in5 cards created You’ll also be able to find the introductory guide and mini workout social media clips in the same place so let’s get everyone moving for at least 5 minutes a day in a way that works for you!
Then as you gradually build up you could aim for the 15 minutes programme which is a leaflet that you shows clearly what you need to do and has options for standing and sitting in a wheelchair. Would be a great start for carers and the person who is disabled to join in together and support each other.
There is a clear progression of within these programmes. Starting with five in five and moving up to 15 minutes a day is a great first step. You can now download this from the Getting Started page on the website ; https://weareundefeatable.co.uk/getting-started
Then there are numerous other activities and programmes so theres a lot for every level. Confidence building, and not as intimidating as they can be done in your own home. Each of the Charitable organisations have their own pages with targeted programmes and include numerous support networks and exercise workouts that you can browse, watch and join in with.
What a great way to support vulnerable people, the shielder’s and elderly. Perhaps they are home alone and still with the threat of a second wave of corona virus worried to leave the house. Could you help set these up for them? Perhaps print and laminate the cards and leaflets and stick them on the fridge?
Facebook ‘Messenger bot’ is just an incredible invention and a great support mechanism for anyone with a health condition or disability. At tine to heal this now a regular in my diary and we don’t need to remember fir ourselves when it’s check in time……..
They lovingly refer to it as the 'My Daily Undefeatable' bot, a friend in your pocket to help you get moving in a way that works with your condition, not against it’. (https://www.facebook.com/weareundefeatable/videos/vb.418752002301321/283437046201833/?type=2&theater)
It’s basically like a texting chat that you may have with anyone. You start off with a ‘robot!’ It will say hello and ask you about how you are feeling or movement you may have done. You rule this device. So on your first chat you can set up a scheduled time to check in. This can be daily, every second day or weekly. Questions are asked that you can answer or skip.
Just having a little message put up on your messenger app to say hello and ask you how you are, what you have managed to do and get some positive reinforcement that you have done good can be enough to put a smile on your face. Especially if you are lonely or just having a down day. A great motivation as well if you think someone will be checking up on you!
All you need to do is visit the facebook page link below and like. Then press on send message and you are off and running!
Sometimes we have to go backwards before we can go forward. Health is not within our control. So one day you may go for a run or a bike ride or have managed your 5 in 5 but the following day you feel like you can’t do anything. Help is at hand. Remember that you don’t need to wait for your ‘scheduled’ message from message Bot. Head to the facebook page, click the button and theres someone there to interact with for a bit of support to get you through the frustration and anxiety that you may be feeling!
Some brilliant examples have been introduced this new burst of project launches. Click the links below for a few examples that we love but there are plenty more to be found in the ‘Social Media Assets’ and ‘Images’ folder on the supporters hub.
This one is about Dementia.
This lady has a variety of conditions and supports her daughters as well.
This is an inspirational video from Anisha who has many health conditions.
Here you can find some simple ways to remain active produced with the help of Nuffield Health and promoted by one of the Official Campaign Charities Age UK.
We have really only scratched the surface here so if you are hooked like we are then you might want to keep the date by signing up to the supporters hub on the main website. Typically, the programme runs for a set time and then the impact is assessed, along with the current statistics and new initiatives launched. The latest webinar was on the 8th July where the We Are Undefeatables Campaign Team ‘share campaign evaluation updates and upcoming plans for the campaign’. (We Are Undefeatables email newsletter, August 01/20) These are live but you can also access them via the website. Look out for new webinars as you need to sign up for these through Microsoft Teams.
So to conclude with a further progression beyond The We Are Undefeatables Campaign. There’s a 30/30 challenge that Active Essex programmed in that you could utilise any time that you wish to and it follows nicely into more organised and thought out exercise programmes. The link below takes you to an example weekly exercise plan schedule posted during lockdown.
It also has some great You tube videos for all exercise levels for you to tap into and try as and when you feel ready. A good idea would be to just watch some to start with and get a flavour of the offer! A bit like the five in five cards. Choose what works for you and not what someone else thinks you need to do. Although a little bit of encouragement goes a long way.
We’ve talked a lot about adults in the blog and we also identified their needs in the Pituitary Foundation Blog so moving forward to next week, I’ll leave you with this link for some family based activities that you can try out. Of course there is no problem with them accessing the 5in5 cards or the 15 minute leaflet but these are just some extra ideas!
Moving forward to next week, I’ll leave you with the thoughts of an amazing project that is so innovative and aimed to support those families who need help from food banks and the added extra of basic sporting equipment to be utilised at home. A real treat for many families across the county who are struggling right now.
It encompasses both health and fitness and moves us seamlessly from Health and opportunities from The Pituitary Foundation into exercise for young and old, and food from Active Essex and a local food bank in Billericay. A lovely surprise for families and individuals who need to utilise the vital food bank service that is on offer. Simple exercise equipment but endless possibilities to try different activities!
So having set the tone and the preparation is complete our goal is now to that next shift towards those who are ready and able to get back into or begin the next part of the adventure into regular fitness, exercise, health and mental health, plus the bonus of organised sport for those returning for action. Luckily we have Active Essex and The Active Essex All Together programmes to help us get there. Just the few things mentioned above will give you an idea of how helpful this is going to be. There will be support for participants, but also guidance for coaches and instructors who are also important right now.
Charitable Organisations
As promised, here are the charitable organisations and the web links you need to access the specialised way in which these health groups are making the campaign work for them;
Contact the We Are Undefeatable Campaign team directly at;
British Lung Foundation
Breast Cancer Now
Mind (Mental Health)
Alzheimer’s Society
Age UK
Asthma UK
British Red Cross
Versus Arthritis
Rethink Mental Illness
MacMillan Cancer Support
Royal Voluntary Service
Stroke Association
Parkinson’s UK
MS Society
Diabetes UK
So in a more defined manner is our task ahead for next week ……………
What Does Fitness Mean To Active Essex & The All together programme?
Isn’t ‘transition’ what our lives are about right now? From lockdown onto minimal flexibility, to stalling progressions, to revert forward and back to press on! It’s in our faces everyday.
So why would sport and exercise be any different? The question is how and what are the benefits. For this blog we look closely at The Active Essex All Together programme and their perspective. A follow up to previous blogs in this series where we have looked at it from an individuals perspective, then from a health perspective, to a campaign for exercise started literally from the bottom upwards and now into this progression right through from simple activities to exercise classes to organised sports! This will hopefully support you in the ‘transition’ phase that we have now reached……………..